Chapter 8- Boring Crimes & Confessions

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It's Saturday, and Ginny is reading my diary again. I've caught her at it, and she doesn't have an ounce of shame. I glare at her from the foot of the bed, and she looks at me innocently. She is hanging from the side of my bed, her back sprawled across the middle, and her head hanging off the side, long, fiery hair brushing the ground.

"Would you please stop reading that? It's private!" I say with a huff.

"So you and Malfoy decided to be friends? And you call him Draco now?" she remarks, throwing the book under my bed when she's finished. I don't bother to answer.

"You know, Hermione, I would expect better from the brightest witch of her age," she remarks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I've told you hundreds of times not to keep this in here! What if someone found it?" she scolds.

"Where else would I keep it? I've tried carrying it with me, but I was too afraid I would misplace it," I tell her.

"You should keep it somewhere nobody would think to find it," she says. 

I roll my eyes.

"Thank you for that insight of knowledge, but where is that kind of place?" I ask. 

She thinks for a while, and then her eyes brighten.

"The Room of Requirement!"

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" I exclaim. 

She grins.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say.

"Not now, are you crazy? Someone could see us! Let's go in the night, after curfew," Ginny suggests, with a mischievous smile.

"We're not going to murder someone, Gin, we're going to hide a book. Plus, you know I could never sneak out after curfew," I say.

"So you'll drink Firewhiskey hours after curfew with Malfoy and Zabini, but you won't sneak out with me to go hide a book?" she asks dryly.

"Touché. Let's do it," I sigh. 

She squeals with delight, and exits the room.

Before I know it, I've fallen asleep. After a while, I feel Ginny shaking me awake.

"Hermione, let's go. It's eleven," she whispers. 

I stretch, and grab the diary from below my bed. Gin throws something at my face. I try to make out what it is in the dark, but all I can feel is thick fabric.

"It's black camouflage. Go change," Ginny whispers. 

I roll my eyes, go into the bathroom, and change. The black baggy material is comfortable. I turn off the light, and on the way to the door, I accidentally wake up Parvati.

"Hermione? What's wrong?" she asks.

"Shh, nothing, go back to sleep," I urge, rushing out of the room. 

Ginny is standing by the portrait hole in identical black material. We leave the room, and make our way through the dark castle to the seventh floor. We stop nervously in front of the invisible entrance.

"Er, we'd like a place to hide my diary please," I whisper to the wall. 

To our amazement, the familiar door appears, and Ginny swings it open. When we see the inside of the room, both of our mouths drop open. It's huge, with random clutter stacked in huge piles through the seemingly infinite room.

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