Chapter 9- Broken Hearted Tears

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"And then she kissed me!" I exclaim.

"On the lips?" Blaise asks.

"Well no, on the cheek, but she obviously likes me!" I say, pacing in the dorm room. 

Theo and Blaise are laying on my bed, watching me panic with their eyebrows raised.

"I think you're reading too much into it," Theo says. 

I glare at him.

"How do you read too much into a kiss? A kiss only means one thing!" I tell him.

"Yeah, but she kissed you on the cheek. Because you're her friend," Blaise says.

"That's not what friends do! Friends hug. Friends high five. Friends fist bump. But friends don't kiss!" I say. 

Theo rolls his eyes.

"Calm down. She obviously meant it as a friendly kiss. As a friend," he says, snorting.

"So she thinks that kissing is what friends do? Well no wonder, she was raised by muggles. Oh my god. Should I tell her that I only see her as a friend? That the kiss was to awkward for me?" I ask, pacing faster. 

I look at Theo and Blaise to find them playing cards. I grab a pillow and throw it at them.

"What?" Blaise says, annoyed.

"What should I do?" 

"You shouldn't do anything. Definitely don't tell her it was awkward for you because then she'll get embarrassed and never talk to you again," Theo says.

"Okay. Then should I kiss her back tonight during our flying session? To show in her weird way that I think of her as a friend too?" I ask. 

Theo and Blaise exchange an exasperated glance, and they both hurl pillows at me.

"Give it a rest!" Blaise groans in exasperation. 

But I can't. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind; she's hovering there.

"You know, if you're really so worried, then just go to the Room of Requirement and find her diary. Didn't she hide it there?" he asks.

"Brilliant! You're brilliant!" I say, pulling on my robes.

"Where are you going? Class starts in ten minutes!" Blaise says.

"I'm skipping," I say, and walk out of the dorm. 

I make my way to the seventh floor, and close my eyes, willing the door to open. The door appears in front of me, and I stride in the huge room. Going to the place I saw Granger the last time, I find the diary on a rosewood shelf. I go to pick it up, but a voice interrupts me.

"Malfoy? What the hell are you doing?" I look behind me and see Weaslette striding towards me.

"I uh- I was just-"

"Here to get your apple?" she asks sarcastically. Thank god I left an apple in the cabinet, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have an excuse.

"Actually, yes," I say, striding to the vanishing cabinet nearby and opening it, taking a bite out of the apple inside.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, keeping my eyes trained on the diary.

"None of your business," she says, picking up the diary. 


"What are you doing with that book?" I ask.

"It's not a book, dumbass, it's Hermione's diary. I'm here to read it," she says.

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