Chapter 3- Treacle Tarts and a Bumpy Start

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Harry, Ron, and I walk out of DADA, and I'm relieved that it's our last class of the day.

"Snape was in a foul mood today Harry," I say to him. "I warned you not to get on his bad side!"

"Hermione, when he sees me, he gets on his bad side," Harry says.

"Does he have any other sides other than his bad one?" Ron asks in a low voice.

"What about his backside?" Harry suggests. 

"Yeah. That one's that biggest of all of them," Ron adds. 

We all laugh, but none of us notice that Snape is right behind us. 

"Potter, Weasley, I'll take ten points each from Gryffindor, and you both owe me detentions tonight. Granger, I'll take another ten points from you." 

Ron opens his mouth furiously, but I step on his foot hard, and he shuts up. But as I'm stomping on Ron's foot, Harry speaks.

"Maybe, sir, instead of taking away points from us for stating facts, you should go to a muggle gym and work out!" Harry says loudly. 

Some people gasp, including me, but Ron, Seamus, Dean, and Neville grin appreciatively and flash Harry a thumbs up from behind Snape's back.

"That will be detention for two weeks Potter," Snape says coldly, and walks away. 

As we stroll down the hall, Seamus, Dean, and Neville catch up with us, grinning, and give Harry claps on his back.

"That was awesome!"

"Brilliant mate!"

"You only spoke facts!"

"What? No! Don't encourage him you idiots!" I exclaim, exhausted of Harry's temper these days. "He gave you two weeks detention Harry! You'll never be able to finish all your homework!"

"C'mon Hermione, don't be so uptight!" Ron says. 

"I'm not uptight Ronald! Excuse me for caring about my future!" I shoot back, my voice rising a little higher. 

Ron's ears turn red, and Dean, Seamus, and Neville hurry away. Harry rolls his eyes.

"A few detentions won't make you fail school!"

"Well, that's more than 'a few' Ronald!"

"At least he has a sense of humor-"

"STOP! You two are always arguing like an old married couple! Just give it a rest!" Harry shouts angrily.

"Well, I think that's what they're going to end up as!" a dreamy voice says behind us. 

I spin around to see Luna. Ron has gone silent, and he's staring at me. I feel a blossom of heat rush up to my face as I meet Ron's eyes. Harry grins. 

"You're right Luna. That's probably how it'll end up," Harry says slowing down to walk with her. 

Ron and I don't speak to each other until we reach the common room. 

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