Chapter 15- Blossoming Trouble

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I walk through the dim lit corridors, aware that curfew has already started. My mind is drowning in tension from the cabinet, making me want to scream. But then, I think of Granger, and take a deep breath. A few days have passed, with us sneaking kisses in between classes and in the library. 

"Malfoy," a voice calls. 

I immediately turn, scowling. It's Potter. 

"Potter. What do you want?" I drawl, not slowing down my pace. 

He walks faster, falling awkwardly into step with me. I expect him to throw a scathing comment, to which I already have about a million retorts back stored in my head.

Instead, he says, "Why do you always say my name like that?"

"Like what?"

"With an 'H.' You've been saying it like that forever," he says, inspecting me out of the corner of his eyes. 

"What the hell do you want?" I ask irritably, walking faster. 

He follows. 

"I know everything."

I stop immediately, and feel the panic run around inside me. He knows.

"You don't know what you're talking about," I scoff. 

I look at him closer, noting that he's clutching that damn liquid luck potion, and giving off an air of confidence. 

"What would people say if they found out?"

I mull his words over in my head. He's either talking about Granger, or the cabinet. Either way, I'm in deep shit. 

"What do you mean?" I ask evasively, looking around to see if there's a way I can escape this. 

"Those girls were actually Crabbe and Goyle," he says triumphantly. "Polyjuice potion." 

I still can't figure out if he's hinting at Granger or at the cabinet. 

"Does Granger know?" I ask, watching him carefully. 

He furrows his brow in confusion. "Hermione? Yes, of course she does. Why is that important?"

Relief is cascading through me. Potter doesn't know anything; he's just trying to get information out of me. 

 "Looks like Felix isn't doing you much of a favor, Pottah," I smirk, purposely saying his name wrong. 

I would punch him again, but I really just don't have the energy right now. 

"Have fun, 'Chosen Boy,' or 'The One Who Fought,' or whatever the hell they're calling you these days," I drawl, letting out a humorless laugh, and striding away.  

I make my way into the library, knowing that there's no way Granger won't be in here. I spot her in a secluded corner of the library. She seems to be sitting on one of the chairs, with her nose buried in a book. 

I stroll up to her, and take the seat across from her's. 


"Draco, guess what? I passed!" she cries, her face lighting up as she sees me. 

I roll my eyes, grinning. "Of course you did."

"Ron- just failed. By half an eyebrow," she says, scribbling more words onto her Charms essay. 

"So, you're talking to him again?" I ask lightly. 

She looks up at me, amused. "If you're worried, you shouldn't be. He's a prat."

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