Chapter 6- Bitter Acceptance

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"Let me get this straight. You came down at one am last night because you heard people talking, and you found Malfoy and I in the common room? Sitting together? Without going at each other's throats?" I ask, for the umpteenth time that day.

"If you ask me that one more time Hermione, I will take this fork, and shove it-"

"Ok, ok. But can you just tell me what you saw? Just once more?" I plead, shoveling some lasagna in my mouth.

It's lunch time, and the hangover I had this morning has nearly vanished, thanks to some of Ginny's magic potion. Ron isn't at lunch, because he is scrubbing down Professor Snape's classroom. Harry however, like the good friend he is, has been asking almost the same questions as I've been, with a calculating look on his face.

"Fine. So I was doing my Divination homework, because I hadn't finished it, and I heard loud laughs coming from downstairs. I went down to see what was happening, and I see the weirdest thing ever. You were telling Malfoy that Lavender is a bitch, and he was laughing about it," she says, scrunching her eyebrows.

"Oh! And you were sitting close to each other, like on neighboring armchairs. And his face was turned towards yours, and both of your legs were stretched out on the coffee table. Your feet were touching his," she adds, amazing me and Harry yet again by her photographic memory.

"So I got super freaked out, because I thought he had you under a Confundus Charm or something. So I went back upstairs to get my wand, and when I came down, you were sitting quietly, but not awkwardly, you know? You seemed comfortable. Then, Malfoy got up and said he had to go. And Hermione, I saw the strangest thing; he was wearing one of your Spew badges! On his robe!" she exclaims.

"What? No way Ginny. You're kidding," Harry says.

"I'm not! And get this: Mione told me that Malfoy and Zabini made her drink the Firewhiskey, but Malfoy said that she just grabbed it out of his hands!" Ginny says angrily. 

I shuffle my feet.

"What!?! That's bullshit and you know it Gin. Hermione would never drink Firewhiskey!" Harry counters.

"Hermione, what really did happen?" Ginny asks.

With a sigh, I tell them about the things that happened last night, realizing how irresponsible I've been.

"That's awesome. If I'm correct Mione, they still have to do something you say!" Gin laughs.

"I know Gin, but what would I ask them to do?"

"I don't know. You should make them do something really embarrassing," she giggles.

"Guys! Be serious! None of you are thinking the way I am!" Harry snaps.

"What?" I ask. 

Harry lets out an exaggerated sigh.

"Do I really have to explain this? Gin, you said that Hermione might have been confunded-"

"I said it as a joke Harry! I mean, there's a difference between drunk and under a spell!"

"Just listen. So what if Malfoy really did confund Hermione? He wanted to sneak in the common room, so he could find something, or spy," Harry says.

"Harry, that's not possible because Malfoy didn't even have his wand on him!" I point out.

"What? Ok, then he and Blaise slipped something in the Firewhiskey before you started to drink it, so the alcohol was rigged," Harry counters.

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