Chapter 13- An Unknown Emotion

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"So... What should we do now?"

We reached Hogesmade, and for the past five minutes, Granger and I have been wandering through the mostly empty streets. She keeps on letting out crazy giggles, which in turn, makes me stifle my own chuckles.

"I can't believe we actually did this!" she keeps on saying. 

Her eyes shine brightly, and her gait has a new bounce that I haven't seen in a long time. 

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks," I suggest, grabbing her wrist and dragging her towards the inn. 

It's very crowded; and I glare at the drunk men who leer at Granger as we wait in line. When it's our turn, I get a brilliant idea.

"Two Firewhiskeys please," I say curtly to Madam Rosmerta, keeping my head down, so she can't recongnize me. 

She squints at us.

"Aren't you Hogwarts students?" she asks suspiciously. 

"He's just kidding. We'll take two Butterbeers," Granger says hastily, pinching my arm. 


"Would you shut up? We'll get caught!" she hisses.

Madam Rosmerta hands us the Butterbeers, and I drop a few sickles on the counter. We go to sit at a table, but I can tell Granger doesn't feel comfortable sitting amongst the drunken men. 

"Let's just go back outside," I tell her, leading the way back out of the pub. 

We wander slowly through the streets, taking swigs out of our drinks. As we pass Gladrags Wizardwear & Accessories, Granger lets out a wistful sigh.

"I've always wanted something from that store. They're supposed to be really high quality."

"You're in luck," I say, grinning. She gives me a confused look. I plunge a hand into my pocket and pull out the ring. 

"Merry Late Christmas, Granger," I say ruefully, handing the box over to her. 

She gasps, and pushes her Butterbeer bottle into my arms. As she opens it, I swear I can see tears glistening in her eyes.

"This is probably the most thoughtful gift I've ever gotten in my life. Aren't these supposed to be super expensive?" she asks, staring at the ring in awe.

"It's no big deal," I shrug. 

"Draco- I- I can't accept this," she mutters, but she takes the ring out of the box, examining it in reverence. 

"Stop being such a loser," I scoff, taking a hold of her hand, and slipping the ring on. 

She embraces me, tightly, and without warning. I awkwardly hug her back, trying to balance both the Butterbeer bottles in my hand. She lets go of me, and takes her bottle back. She doesn't speak as we continue strolling down the street. 


I'm still dazzled by the beautiful ring, and captivated by the extraordinary magic of it. We just bewitched it to auto-record a memory, and I feel light and happy. 

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