Chapter 17- Dung Bombed Intensity

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I walk down the hallways, seething with anger. How dare Draco talk to me like that? I curse him in my head, and without looking where I'm going, I crash straight into Professor McGonagall.

"Oh sorry Professor," I say, helping her up. I stop short at the look on her face. She looks aghast, and very pale. "Professor? Is everything all right?"

"Oh, oh yes Ms. Granger," she says distractedly. "A student's been severely hurt, we'll have to take him to St Mungo's to prevent scarring, Poppy doesn't have Dittany."

She walks off, the worry evident on her face. My stomach gives an unpleasant lurch.

"Who?" I ask, hurrying after her.

She looks at me, then mutters, "Mr. Malfoy."

Suddenly, I feel sick. 

"No! It can't be! I just saw him, I just talked to him!" I shriek in panic. "Will he be okay?"

She doesn't answer, but instead hurries into her office. I follow her.

"Professor, where are you going?" I ask. 

"I'm flooing to St. Mungo's. You best get to the common room," Professor McGonagall says. 

I shake my head, the tears dropping out of my eyes as I do so. 

"Can I come?" I ask. 

"Ms. Granger, I'm afraid I can't allow that," she starts. 

"I'm coming, and that's it. I need to see him," I snap, surprising both of us. 

"Yes, of course," she says, holding out the floo powder to me. 

We both step in the fireplace. Instead of the warmth making me feel pleasant, like it usually does, it just makes my stomach flip even more. With a loud bang, we've arrived at the Hospital. 

The witch looks at us calmly, and asks, "Draco Malfoy, Hogwarts?"

Professor nods. "That's correct Dilys."

"Fourth Floor," Dilys says in a bored voice. 

We follow through the double doors and along the narrow corridor beyond, and then reach a large flight of stairs. 

Professor climbs slowly, but I race ahead, reaching the fourth floor in a few minutes. 

"I need to find Draco Malfoy's room," I say desperately to a Healer there. 

"Sorry, I don't know where that is," he says uncomfortably. 

I glare at him. "How do you not know? You work here, for Merlin's sake!"

It's really not like me to behave like this, and I apologize hastily after he stares at me with wide eyes. 

"I, er, think it's that one," he says, pointing to a large brown door a few feet away.

I rush there, opening the door and going to the bed marked Draco Malfoy- Hogwarts.

I stop short at the sight of him. He's laid out on the hospital bed, shirtless. His arms are covered in bandages, and the healers are smearing a plant on his bare chest, which I immediately recognize as Dittany.

There's not a lot of blood, but I can see that the scars are deep, and they look painful. Despite the situation, I can't help admiring the smooth ripples of muscles on Draco's torso. Shaking my head, slightly blushing, I step closer. 

"Will he be okay?" I ask one of the Healers. 

"He'll be fine. He's unconscious. We're just trying to avoid scarring right now."

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