Chapter 7- Truce?

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I'm chilling in the library, nervous about the big Gryffindor game next week, and a bit annoyed at Harry. He's done nothing today except read that potions book he cheats with, and stare at the Marauders Map, trying to track down Malfoy.

When I think of Malfoy, I get even more irritated, and stab my quill into the parchment I'm writing my essay on. It's been a few weeks since the encounter on the 7th floor, and he's been nothing but cruel to me ever since. My eyes involuntarily fill with tears when I think about what happened this morning.

I walked out of Transfiguration, exhausted thinking about the essay Professor Mcgonagall had given us as homework. Catching sight of Malfoy a few steps in front of me, I walked a little faster to catch up to him.


"What? Would you stop pestering me mudblood? Go away!"

"I- I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask if you still needed help with Transfiguration. I haven't really been keeping my end of the deal."

"Honestly Granger, I don't need help. I'm not some dumbass child that doesn't understand thing!"

"I never said you were! I was just going to ask if you wanted to meet me in the library in the evening so we could finish the seven foot long essay together!"

"I don't share my work with mudbloods," Malfoy drawled.

"Draco? Why are you talking to her?" Pansy asked, sneering at me as she caught up with Malfoy.

"I'm not talking to her. She keeps  following me."

"I always knew there was something wrong with her."

I glared at them, and took a deep breath.

I walked faster so I could leave them behind. But when I walked past them, Pansy stuck her foot out, and tripped me. All my books spilled onto the floor, and my eyes filled with tears.

Malfoy kicked my Transfiguration book, and it went skidding across the floor. When he reached the spot it landed, he picked it up and stowed it in his bag. Malfoy turned to look at me.

"Don't come near me again Granger. You'll regret it."

The hallway was mostly empty, and I sat there, picking up my books and stuffing them into my bags. A sob escaped me.

"Hermione?" two voices said simultaneously. 

I turned to see Ginny and Ron behind me.

"Why are you crying?" Ginny asked. 

Ron held out his hand, and helped me up. I wiped my tears and told them what happened.

"Fuck him!" Ron cursed, pulling me into a hug. 

I let out another sob, and tightened my hold on Ron.

"I'll kill him Hermione. I promise," Ginny ranted.

"Gin, don't. He's not worth it," I said, but Gin was already racing down the hallway, muttering furiously.

"We know he's not worth it Mione. But you are," Ron said into my hair, and pulled me closer.

I smiled against his chest, and we stood like that for some time. After a while, Ron spoke.



"Lavender asked me out last night," he said hesitantly. I

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