Chapter 14- Poisoned Love

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"Would you shut the fuck up?" I hiss at Crabbe, keeping an eye on McGonagall. 

"You treat us like servants," he whispers furiously, but I ignore him, standing a bit taller to peer over the heads in the Great Hall to see if I can spot Granger's bushy mane. 

It's our first apparition lesson, but I couldn't care less; all I want to do is sleep. The Great Hall is packed with students, all intently staring at the tiny Ministry Wizard in the front.

Crabbe elbows me in the ribs, and I turn furiously towards him. 

"Malfoy, be quiet and pay attention!" McGonagall barks. 

I scowl at all the heads that turn towards me at her voice. But then, I spot Granger, right behind Weasley and Potter.

I catch her eye, and she gives me an uncertain smile. I grin back, make sure no one is looking at us, then shoot her a wink. She blushes, and whips her head back towards Twycross. 

After the exhausting apparition class, I walk back to the common room, Blaise and Theo flanking me. I spot Granger shooting furious looks at Potter and Weasley, and when I pass her, I tug on the messy braid she's sporting. 

"Draco," she squeals, a mixture of annoyance and excitement in her voice. 

"Hermione, since when do you call him Draco?" I hear Weasel say behind me. 

Granger lets out an exasperated noise, walking faster, passing me as well. I want to get her by herself, but Theo and Blaise steer my towards the Slytherin commons, not giving me the chance. 

Everyone talks excitedly about apparition in the common room, but I stay silent, stressing out about the cabinet and trying not smirk as I think about last night.


February has gradually moved towards March, the homework that the professors are giving steadily increasing. I'm in the Room of Requirement, frustrated over the cabinet. Suddenly, I spot Granger's diary on the nearby shelf, feeling a wave of frustration as I think about her. I stride towards the book, and pick it up.


February 27th. Dear Diary,         
To say that I've been fighting shy of Draco would be an understatement. I've been avoiding him like the plague. I've noticed him trying to catch my eye in the hallways, and trying to make small talk in Arithmancy, but I've taken no notice. Every time he has asked about flying, I shoot him down, making up an excuse. 

After that night in Hogesmade, I was so excited! I actually thought we could, I don't know- make it work? I've heard awful things from Ginny about him- apparently he's slept around with a bunch of girls, and he doesn't date. Well, I don't care. I saw him snogging that absolute troll Parkinson, so I guess our kiss wasn't anything special. Just another day in Draco's life? He disgusts me. 


February 28th. Dear Diary, 
I'm slightly horrified at what might be happening! I went through a whole "hypothetical" conversation with Ginny, and she said that "the girl" seems like shes avoiding "the guy" because she's jealous. That's so ridiculous! Why would I be jealous of Draco and Parkinson? Then, Ginny had the audacity to say that "the girl" probably likes him. I don't like Draco- I thought I liked Ron? But the truth is, I haven't really been bothered that much when I see Lavender with Ron. Could it possibly be because of Draco? 

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