Chapter 20- What Have You Done?

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Hello, readers that stuck till the end of this (horrible :D) book. Here you have it, the very last chapter of Heartache. As I said before, please don't assassinate me for this ending. I'll link the sequel at the end! Shout out to @Skyevans0906 and @-vintagepeach- for the votes, comments, and follows. For my first story, it really means a lot! I wanted to say to all of you, thank you for reading!



Harry sat in shock inside the Hospital Wing along with Tonks, Lupin, McGongall, Ron, and Hermione. They were discussing the series of horrible events that had happened before the murder. 

"I just can't believe it," McGongall said weakly. "Snape!"

A moment of silence fell upon them, and Madam Pomfrey let out a tiny sob. 

"It was all my fault!" said McGonagall and Hermione at the same time. 

"I'm the one that sent Filius to fetch Snape tonight, I actually sent for him to come and help us!"

"It's not your fault Minerva," Lupin cut in sharply. 

"I was so stupid, Harry!" said Hermione in a high pitched whisper. "I just realized, Snape must have stunned Flitwick, and then told Luna and I to watch after him. We saw Flitwick lying on the floor-"

'It's not your fault Hermione," Harry said firmly. "Snape would have killed you and Luna if you had refused."

She didn't reply, but squeezed Ginny's hand, sporting a look of unbelievable distress. Harry tuned out the shocked, angry whispers of the others in the Hospital Wing, and observed Hermione closely. 

For Harry had not only witnessed the awful murder of Dumbledore tonight, but also a heart-aching tragedy that made him want to scratch his head in confusion and yell out loud all the same. Every time someone in the Order mentioned Malfoy, Harry surveyed Hermione for a small flinch, or perhaps a sharp inhalation. But all her eyes showed was a dull grief. 

Harry thought back to earlier in the night, where he had witnessed a jaw dropping incident between Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini. A time in the night where everything had not gone so horribly wrong. A time in the night where Dumbledore was still alive. 


"Fetch Professor Snape, Harry!" said Dumbledore in an urgent voice. "Quickly!"

Harry looked at Dumbledore in shock, and scurried off, tripping over his muddy robes. Dumbledore's words were still ringing through his head; Harry ran faster. 

But when he reached the bottom of the Astronomy Tower, a very familiar voice made him stop in his tracks. 

"Draco, wait!" 

It was Hermione. Harry didn't even dare to breathe as he slowly tip-toed behind a pillar, so he could get a clearer view of her. Hermione and Malfoy were staring at each other, identical looks of agony on their faces. 

Harry wanted to move, to go get Snape as Dumbledore had ordered, but he stayed glued in place, staring at this impossible coupling.

A couple of Death Eaters came sprinting towards Hermione. Harry whipped out his wand, ready to protect her, but someone else got there first. 

"Don't touch her! Don't fucking touch her!" yelled Malfoy, stowing his wand in his pocket and throwing strong punches at the two men. 

They crumpled to the ground in a bloody mess. 

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