Chapter 10- Tattoos and Mistletoe

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The next few days pass by in a blur, and I'm now sitting in Transfiguration, waiting for it to end so I can get to Arithmancy.

Harry and I have teamed up together because Ron moved all his stuff to go sit by Lavender.

"You're transfiguring it wrong," I say to Harry.

"Who cares, class is almost over anyways," he points out. 

Harry begins to talk about that nasty book, and I think about taking it from him and hitting it over his head.

"Hermione?" Harry asks.

"Er, yes?"

"McGonagall just said that we're dismissed. Let's go."

I get up, and walk out of the classroom with Harry.

"Divination," Harry groans.

"You should have just dropped it like me."

"I would have," Harry says, "But if I'm not smart enough for Divination, I'm definitely not cut out for Arithmancy."

"You're not wrong," I tease, and Harry rolls his eyes. 

We part ways in a corridor, and I walk into Professor Vector's classroom, relieved that neither Ron nor Lavender are in this class.

"Hey," Draco greets as I take a seat next to him. 

Thank god he hasn't mentioned my embarrassing breakdown for the past few days. I don't have time to respond, because Professor Vector gets straight to it.

Towards the end of class, I let out an exhausted groan.

"Is Vector's favorite student sick of class?" Draco asks, smirking. 

I am, but I don't want to admit it.

"More like I'm sick of my very annoying table partner," I say.

"I thought we agreed on not torturing each other in Arithmancy?" he asks.

"Actually, we agreed that you wouldn't torture me."

He grins, and grabs my quill out of my hand, dipping it in his ink.

"It's work time on our essay, I need that quill. What in Merlin's beard are you doing?" I ask.

He ignores me, and takes my arm, pressing the quill onto my skin. I try to yank my hand away, but he has a strong grip. I still try to pull my arm away, but I can't. He finally lets go, and I stare in dissapointment at what now is on my arm.

He's drawn a very obscene picture.

"Really?" I ask dryly. 

He grins.

"You're so immature," I huff in annoyance. 

I take a spare handkerchief, wet it, and rub at my skin, attempting to wash away the ink.

"Not going to happen Granger," Draco says smugly, "It's nearly permanent, it'll only fade away in a few days."

"What!?!" I shriek.

"Be quiet children, get to work! Class is almost over!" Professor Vector snaps.

"I can't walk around with a di- di- that thing on my arm!" I whisper-yell. He laughs.

"Yes, you can. Your welcome, that dick was one of the best I've ever drawn."

The bell rings, and the other students file out of the classroom, Professor Vector nowhere to be seen. Draco and I still sit at our desk, and I muster up a seething glare, earning a satisfied smirk from him. He is so infuriating! I can tell he's getting happier the more I'm getting pissed, and frustrated, I smack his arm. 

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