Chapter 12- Christmas in Hogesmade

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The good mood I was in quickly dissapears as I meet up with Harry and Ron in the common room. I completely ignore Ron, of course, and give Harry a sympathetic embrace; he looks like he didn't have the best time. 

"Won-Won!" the high pitched shriek of Lavender makes both myself and Harry groan. 

Leaving her and Ron in some kind of warped vertical wrestling match, we make our way to the boys dorm room. I'm pleasantly surprised, because I don't feel a thing when I see them snogging. With a tinkling laugh, I open a pack of Bertie Bott's beans, and share them with Harry. 

"So how was it at Won-Won's?" I ask. 

Harry rolls his eyes. 

"It was fine. I had a row with the Minister of Magic," he says nonchalantly, then explaining the full story. 

"They sure do have a lot of nerve, asking for help after how they treated you last year."

"Yes, but that's not important right now. Hermione, I need to talk to you about Malfoy," he says. 

My heart skips a beat at hearing his name, and I chastise it back down. Harry is looking at me weird, and for one horrible moment, I fear that he saw Draco and I the night of the party. 

"Blimey Hermione, this jelly bean is terrible. You can have the rest, I can't eat anymore," he says, gagging. 

I let out sigh of relief. 

"So anyways, I saw Malfoy and Snape, the night of the party," he starts, and goes on to tell me what he heard. 

"Harry," I start patiently. 

"I know what you're going to say Hermione, it's that you think Snape is spying for the Order so he can get information out of Malfoy," he says hurriedly. 

I nod, and open my mouth to speak.

"But even if that is true, you can't deny that Malfoy's up to something," Harry says in triumph. 

"Yes, I suppose you have a point there."

"I've been telling you from the beginning, this is proof that Malfoy is a Death Eater!" Harry says animatedly. 

"Look, Harry. Draco maybe up to something, but he's definitely not a Death Eater. He's probably just sneaking in some banned products or cheating on his assignments," I say. 

But a nagging voice still is in my head, and I decide to confront Draco about it tonight at the Quidditch Pitch. 

I look expectantly at Harry, but Harry looks at me in surprise.


"You just called Malfoy 'Draco,'" Harry accuses. 

I roll my eyes. 

"That is his name, isn't it? Harry, did you listen to anything else I just said?" 

"Hermione, you have to believe me, he is definitely a Death Eater!"

"I'll take that as a no. Harry, this is becoming too much. Seamus and Dean told me, they've seen you staying up all night looking at that map, for Draco- I mean Malfoy. Harry, you're getting obsessed," I sigh, spitting a vomit flavored bean back out. 

"I'm not obsessed, I'm right. You'll be swallowing your words Hermione, just you wait," Harry says, snatching the jelly bean bag out of my hands. 

"You said you didn't want them!"

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