Chapter 2- Fights and Flight

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I trudge back to the common room, muttering, "Dilligrout," to the Fat Lady, and collapsing in the nearest armchair. 

Almost immediately, Ron and Harry appear on either side of me, and take the chairs nearest to the fire.

"So how'd it go 'Mione?" Harry asks, stifling a yawn.

"Which bloke has to teach you how to fly?" Ron adds, his eyes drooping.

"Malfoy," I say in a resigned voice. 

All signs of tiredness leave their bodies and they both yell,


"Yes. Malfoy. I just have no choice! I need to learn how to fly!" I tell them, my voice a bit hysterical.

 I know I should tell them about how I told Malfoy I would help with his Transfiguration, but both Harry and Ron would think it's unwanted business.

"One of us could teach you if you like. Anyone except for Malfoy," Ron offers, looking concerned. 

I just shake my head. Before I can refuse, I see that Harry has a calculating look on his face, and I know exactly what he's about to say.

"Hermione. This is the perfect chance! Since you'll be spending time with him, you can do some snooping around to figure out if he's a Death Eate-"

"No Harry. And besides, Malfoy is not a Death Eater!" I tell him firmly.

"You'll be swallowing your words Hermione. I just know that he's replaced his father as Death Eater. We just need to see if he has the Dark Mark," Harry argues stubbornly. 

Ron and I exchange an exasperated look, and I head up to the girl's dorms. I don't even bother to change out of my robes as I fall asleep.

The next week passes by in a blur, and the homework piles on. When the weekend finally arrives, I've finished all of my homework, and am now watching Ron and Harry struggle over theirs. After about half an hour of watching them second guess on Potions, I roll my eyes and walk out of the common room, heading straight to the library.

"Hermione?" someone calls out to me. 

I turn my head to see Neville walking behind me, and before I can respond, I crash right into someone. As I step back and mutter an apology, I see that it's Malfoy. Again.

"Watch where you're going, Mudblood! That's two times this year," he drawls.

"Don't 'Mudblood' me, Malfoy," I tell him in a low voice.

"Get out of my way, Granger," he says, trying to side step me.

"No. We made a deal, and I need to learn how to fly! If you want my help on your transfiguration, then you will do what I say," I threaten, pulling out my wand.

"Fine. Meet me at the Quidditch pitch tomorrow at seven PM."

"Ok. Should I bring a broom?" I ask, relieved that we have a plan.

"No. And if you're late, I'll call the whole thing off," he says, striding away, with his robes trailing behind him. 

It takes all my self-control not to step on his robes and make him trip.


I wake up on Sunday morning, dreading what the day will bring. I trudge down to breakfast with Blaise, and when Pansy grabs my hand, I don't have enough energy to shake her off. She looks delighted that I didn't pull away from her, and she plants a wet kiss on my cheek. Blaise raises his eyebrows at me. As soon as we sit down, he says,

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