They're Coming

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(Narrator POV)
He couldn't believe it. He didn't want it to be true, but he could feel it in his soul that he knew who the women that spoke to him was.


It broke Loki's heart to think that she was now being forced into invading a planet. Saving him probably meant having to take his place, and that just made him feel worse.

He had a plan to get her away from Thanos, but there was one unfortunate snag in the fact that he didn't know where she was and he couldn't find her.

Thanos had pulled him out of the Void, and then when he left it was through a portal that didn't tell him where he was coming from only where he was going to.

He had no real way of finding the Titan and he couldn't use magic to find them because Thanos knew how to hide.

It was upsetting, but he hadn't stopped working on it and trying to find a way to save her.

Truthfully, he knew he wasn't really her brother and he knew that she would always be Thanos' daughter, but he felt a connection to her.

She had tortured him just like Thanos and the Chitauri, but she knew how it felt and she had let him go in the end.

He owed her.

"Who? Who do you think it is?" Bruce broke him out of his thoughts and made him look back up at the people staring in his direction.

"Thanos, the Mad Titan and his Chitauri army. He's going to send down his daughter, Nebula first though and if she fails then he may send the Other." Loki explained to them.

"How do you know?" Natasha asked him with her normal blank mask in place.

"When I was thrown off the Bifrost, I fell into a place called the Void. Being there warps your mind and blocks your senses. Thanos had the Other pull me out of the Void, and they tortured me. Many of the things that have happened are clearly Thanos, and I just had a vision of Nebula." Loki told them all.

There was some argument about how sound his visions were, but Loki quickly shot down the doubts. He was surprisingly backed up by Thor who helped explain the power of Oracles.

"When they get here, you have to let me help Nebula. If I'm right then she's just as much a victim as any human will be, and she won't have a choice in what she does unless we help her. She saved my life and I made a deal with her, the least I can do is help now." Loki said with finality.

"I'm not so sure-." Fury began but was easily cut off by the raven-haired God in front of them.

"That is not negotiable, Director." Loki stood by it. He had a woman to protect, one that he owed his life to and he wouldn't let them push him out of his decision.

"Look, I'm not sure who you think you are-!" Fury began again, with anger in his tone.

This time he was cut off when Loki's eyes burned a neon green color and his magic spun around his hands gracefully.

"I know perfectly well who I am, Director. I want to know who you think you are, because clearly you have some kind of superiority complex. You think that you have more power because you run an organization? You would be wrong. You have no power over me, Nicky, and I suggest you remember that. I came here to help you, and this is my price." He remained completely calm, much to the shock of everyone in the room.

"Maybe we should just trust him on this, sir." Steve suggested quietly as he saw that famous vein on Fury's forehead pulse again.

"Yeah, I think we should listen to the all-powerful, all-seeing Abominable Snowman over there." Tony pitched in quickly. "I mean he called you 'Nicky', and that's something only I ever get away with. Clearly he knows what he's capable of if he has the guts to say that."

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