Giant Grape Man

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(Narrator POV)
Seeing all of your bad memories play out in front of you for months would probably make being tortured seem a little less awful, right?

Wrong. Loki had been chained up in a cell for months (2, so he's been gone for 8) now. He still felt awful from the Void that he was yanked out of long ago, and he couldn't even remember the last time he drank something.

Chitauri pass his cell occasionally, but he refused to ask for anything to drink. They expect him to be breakable, especially since he was in the Void, and he refuses to prove them right. He won't show weakness, no matter how much he wanted a stupid glass of water right now.

Loki was sitting in the middle of an entirely dark grey room covered in water and dirt. He was forced to sit on a hard metal chair with (magic restraining) chains all around him and his hands behind his back. In front of him were typical cell bars, and the only light was a dim and flickering bulb in the corner.

His hair was wet, and curling from sweat and water that was dripping from the ceiling (Loki didn't want to think about that too much). He wasn't wearing his armor anymore, and was instead wearing black boots, tight tattered black pants, and a ripped black tunic.

Bruises, cuts, and scratches littered his skin and his hair had grown out slightly more since he was tossed off the Bifrost. All in all, he has looked better (but he was also pretty sure that he's looked worse).

Loki's just glad he had everything from his pocket dimension still in there because when he gets out of this cell, he was moving somewhere and staying there until he dies, for Norns' sake.

Soon, Purple-pinball-head (Thanos, is what he said his name was, but Loki likes to mock people sometimes and he's pretty sure that he's earned this), showed up with a girl who had blue and silver skin, and black eyes.

"I didn't know Chitauri were friendly with Avatars." Loki mumbled cheekily. The two other aliens just looked confused and Loki can't really blame them for that.

Loki had spent some time on Midgard and his pop-culture references often fly over other beings' heads.

They both choose to ignore his comment which is probably wise, because he would explain the entire movie to them if they asked. Loki decides to clarify a little anyways.

"It's a reference to a movie on Midgard that I saw last time I visited. I was just making fun of the fact that you're blue, don't mind me." Loki said with a mischievous grin that then turned into a slight frown when he furrowed his brows. "Then again, who am I to judge someone for their inherent blue-ness?"

"Shut up, little god."

That was apparently the cue for the torture to start up, because shortly afterwards, the blue women (Nebula, he finds out later.) beat him absolutely senseless.

Thanos also got a few shots in and then had Nebula collect a scepter from outside the door. Loki found that a bit odd, but hey, who was he to judge? He turns blue on command, and there's mythology where he gave birth to a horse.

That was a horrifying thing to read about himself in the middle of a public library while browsing.

They put the tip of the scepter to his chest and he felt a weird tingle in his heart, but then it goes away and he let out a breath he wasn't aware he was even holding.

Clearly, both father and daughter are surprised that there was not another outcome.

They look to one another briefly and then put it back on his chest, but this time he felt nothing except the sharp metal poke on his skin through the shirt.

He's not sure what he was supposed to do, but he figured any reaction was better than none so he just glanced down and winced a bit when the point is shoved harder.

A drop of blood spills down his pale chest in a thin scarlet rivulet. It stung, but he recovered quickly and watched as Thanos yanked  back the spear, and left the room angrily.

Talk about a tantrum.

Nebula followed after, but first punched him in the face one last time for good measure. Loki isn't sure why, but he burst out laughing the moment the door was closed.

As he sat there in the dark with water and blood dripping down his chest, he couldn't help but allow his mind time to drift.

Frigga was probably working on magic or milling about outside in the gardens. Perhaps she was reading under her favorite tree or sewing on the bench near the pond.

(Loki is unaware that she was actually sitting in his room, starring at the magical carvings he etched into the walls as she fought off tears.)

Thor would be sparring with his friends or maybe he was on a quest to one of the far-off realms. They'd be having a blast while sitting around a comfortable fire and when they return home, there will be a feast in their names.

(The only thing Loki was wrong about there was that Thor seemed more sullen after he left.)

Odin was probably smiling smugly as he sat alone in his chambers. Or maybe he was off calling out orders to his ever-obedient soldiers. Perhaps he was so happy to get rid of his burden that he was too joyous to even think about giving orders right this moment.

(Loki was sickeningly correct about that one no matter how much Frigga wished for him to have some remorse for her youngest son.)

Loki's laughter was not so much hysteria as it was amusement at the pure irony of his life.

His family has probably forgotten him, he spent months in the Void, and now he was getting tortured by nut-jobs.

What a year it's been.

A/N I.....had to make fun of Thanos being purple. I had to and you can't stop me.

I am the captain now.

Also, I know that I have a peculiar writing style of like a weird mix of past-tense and present-tense, but I like it enough so I hope you do too!

Anyways! I hope you enjoyed and keep on reading!

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