A Prince, Not A Pawn

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(Narrator POV)
Loki awoke bright and early with dilemma in his bones. Having his not-brother here was stressful and it made Loki's well-feared temper rear it's ugly head.

He was not known to anger easily (that was more Thor's style), but having the brute here (on his planet, in his home, near his family) made Loki want to rip him apart like a mother wolf protecting her pups.

Loki's wrath was generally well-earned and avoided at all costs. It was a simple rule of the world. Midgard's sky is blue, Odin's ravens have stupid names, and one never makes Loki mad unless they wish to either be dead or be turned into some kind of ghastly creature.

Or both, if the mood strikes him.

Thor always had a way of getting under Loki's skin and fraying every single one of his well controlled and fairly patient nerves. It was like permanently having a tiny pebble in your shoe, every move made you upset. Thor was Loki's pebble.

Everybody always loved Thor, even though he was rude and oafish. Entirely sexist and womanizing to everyone, but Lady Sif. He would run off with countless women and then leave them, often using his little brother as an excuse for his departure, which would then lead to a line of angry women outside Loki's door.

Said little brother sending the women directly to Thor may have been a bit petty and vindictive, but Loki just considered it sweet, sweet karma.

Not to mention the fact that Thor got away with everything just because he was the golden prince. He could do something bad directly in front of Odin and receive a minuscule slap on the wrist, while Loki could do the same thing and end up whipped.

Talk about injustice.

It peeved Loki to no end, how being Thor meant being loved, and being Loki meant being hated. He was nothing except a shadow to the hulking greatness of his blonde once-brother.

Thor remembered good times while Loki remembered pain and anger. A simmering hatred that festered in the pit of his stomach for millennia.

He was relieved to be free of the golden chains that held him behind Thor, he was happy in a new home where people saw him as an equal to his brothers instead of their opening act. Loki loved being able to walk into town and receive genuine smiles instead of sneers.

Living in Jotunheim without Thor gave him the chance to move on. He could look back and focus on the good, and even allow himself to miss the idiot a smidge.

With Thor being here though? Loki felt that old hatred boiling back up to the surface, but now he had no reason to hold back except in order to avoid a war.

Annoying politics, he'd like to have Thor suffer a bit.

Loki currently stood at his balcony, thinking about all of these things, and stalling until he absolutely had to go retrieve Thor and his friends from the dungeons.

The friends didn't seem too bad, but Loki definitely didn't trust them. However, they were probably getting hungry and it's rude of a Prince to let guests (prisoners?) starve.

He dressed more simply today. A black fur cloak, plain black leather pants, and plain black boots. No body-paint, and the only jewelry was the arm cuffs and bracelets.

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