Return To Asgard

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(Narrator POV)
Walking on the Bifrost toward the golden city of Asgard had never been so nerve-wracking before. However, this time it was just starting to settle in that Loki technically committed treason less than an hour ago.

Treason! He, a prince of Asgard, committed treason! A part of him sparked happily at the thought and he couldn't help but mentally smirk. Not only did he commit treason, he was about to get away with it.

Call him overconfident, but he doesn't see how they could catch him. He covered all the possible outcomes, examined all the variables. They won't suspect a thing, because what's his motive? He has no reason in their eyes, exactly the point.

The group walked up the road and ignored most of the venders on the sides. Loki kept a bit behind the group, but kept his head held high. He's not going to act meek or ashamed, but he also isn't going to pretend he belongs with the group in front of him. For a supposed God of Lies, he preferred to be honest. He wasn't meek and he wasn't part of the group, may as well own it.

Thor led the way into the large golden castle, and eventually they made their way down the hall and into the throne room.

Odin was perched on his throne, scowl in place. "Have you returned with my prize?!" The King bellowed and Thor's grin grew. Loki couldn't help the bubbles of hatred that rose in his gut, no matter how much he tried to push them down.

"Yes, Father! Here it is!" Thor hollered, for literally no reason. Seriously Thor, you are ten feet away from him, there is no need to shout.

The Warrior Three, Lady Sif, Thor, and Loki all took a knee with one hand to their chests as Thor used his other hand to present the crystal. Loki couldn't help but think gleefully of a day that he'll make Odin bow to him. Maybe even curtsy (Loki has to choke down a cackle at the thought).

Odin descended the stairs, but stayed a few steps taller than them (it's because he's short and thinks that he's only powerful if he's towering over someone. Ridiculous, short people are deadly too.). He quickly took the crystal from Thor's hand like a greedy little gremlin taking candy from a baby.

"Ah, yes! Thank you, my son." Sons! Sons! You have more than one! Loki thought bitterly. "You all may rise." Oh, how very gracious of you! The Mischief God mentally scoffed.

They all rose back to their full heights, and the King thanked each of them with kind words and compliments until he got to Loki. Then he just stared for a second like he was searching for something. Clearly, he didn't find it because he just said "Loki" with a nod of his head like Loki didn't do literally everything during that trip.

"You are all dismissed. The festive celebrations will begin in a few minutes in the dining hall." He announced with a booming tone.

Everyone exited and Loki made a beeline for his room in the royal wing, while everyone else headed to the dining hall.

Loki had so much on his mind that he didn't even care about going into philosophical thoughts regarding the fact that they're always going in opposite directions. He had work to do instead.

Loki's room was the best room in the castle, as far as he was concerned. It was clean and orderly with a secret portal that only he could go through that lead straight to the royal library. He had a large sitting area, bed, lots of storage, an area to make and repair his armor and weapons, a spacious bathroom, a small kitchen, and a balcony with a sizable garden on it. It was his paradise.

First thing he did was gather as many books as possible and dump them on his desk. The panic was setting in now. His skin turned blue at the contact of a Frost Giant, and he stole a crystal from Jotunheim (promising to return it too!) while choosing to give the King of Asgard (his father!) a fake.

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