Not What Was Expected

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Hi, so I'm just here to say Holy Helheim this chapter is long! Hope you don't mind and that you enjoy instead ;).
(Narrator POV)
Loki was walking up the temple at the back of the castle. He didn't know why, but he had been called by Oracle Ativa.

It was rare, but some kingdoms had oracles that lived there with the royal family. Most oracles lived in the middle of nowhere and pledged loyalty to no living being.

On occasion though, one would find a king they liked and stay there with them.

Oracles were magical creatures that could live for many more millennia then most, and could gift that long a life to whomever they wished. They could see into the future, and it was up to them to decide which threats to pursue and which to let run their course.

Oracles also had the gift of immense power and the Sight.

Frigga was not an oracle, but some claimed that she had the Sight. Loki was familiar enough with both concepts, but he still couldn't figure out what Lady Ativa could possibly want from him.

He entered her icy chambers that were covered in a warm glow of magical red fire in the center of the room. The only part of her housing he could see was the fire and the various plush chairs all around the room. A small fur curtain covered a doorway in the corner that he assumed held her normal abode.

"Oracle Ativa! You summoned me?" He questioned and his call drew her out from behind the fur to come toward him.

She was a woman with smooth grey skin, black hair that trailed behind her when she walked, and eyes like a rainbow galaxy with no pupil or sclera. Her black cloaks seemed endless and made a jingling noise at the plentiful amount of partially hidden crystal adornments.

The oracle also had a septum piercing, and black scratch-like marks were painted onto her right cheek.

She looked young, but he knew better.

He shrunk himself down to be more her height (opposed to the Giant size he had been keeping for ease), as he fully entered her abode and closed the chamber door hesitantly behind him.

"Loki Laufeyson, hello.

"Oracle Ativa."

"I have summoned you here because I have a proposal. I wish to give you the powers of a deceased oracle. She wanted her powers passed to someone strong, and I feel something in you that has compelled me to choose you. She also suggested you when she was alive and the Norns wish to give you the power she had and more." Ativa got straight down to business (a/n *sings* let's get down to business, to defeat the Huns)(you're welcome for the Mulan reference).

"An oracle must be able to ignore some visions and allow them to take their own course. Not all the things an oracle sees are for them to fix, some things just merit a warning to the locals, and other things are best left alone. Every oracle picked must have some shed of selfishness, and someone in their future who will pull them away when needed. Otherwise these sights would consume their entire life." The wise Oracle told him.

"You will gain the Sight powers as well as the longer life span, and ability to gift life to anyone. Your healing powers will also improve, as will your already impeccable illusions and your traveling skills. You have a strong connection to the Yggdrasil tree, but that bond will also grow, and so will your bond with nature and all the realms." She paused once again before pushing on.

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