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(Narrator POV)
After Nebula left, Loki quickly made his way out of the cell and rushed down six doors to the left. All while making sure that nobody was watching him in his escape.

This could be a trap, he knew, but it was either test it out or stay in that cell until the end of times. He had to try even if it wound up being a mistake.

Inside the door was a giant silver circle with a control panel next to it. He was too drained to portal anywhere on his own and he really had no clue where he was right now, which meant he would never know exactly how far he would have to go and how much power it would take him to get anywhere he would want to be.

Luckily, that was exactly what the panel was for. He'd be able to pick the coordinates to a location and go there with no trouble at all. Alfheim was where he was planning to go anyways, and that was one of the many places he knew the coordinates for.

He decided that before he went he should probably change his appearance slightly first. Shifting his blue skin to pale again was most likely a good idea considering that some people in Alfheim would be uncomfortable with his new and blue appearance.

Loki also swapped back to some of his green armor for his own comfort because luckily both those things didn't take much magic. He had also been keeping himself magically clean all this time so the only thing on him was blood from various tortures.

After he switched his shift and clothes, he went about putting in the coordinates as quickly as he could.

Then a thought occurred to him.

If he put in the coordinates and went there then Thanos would be able to see where he went. He'd see the directions Loki put in and then he'd be able to go there and get him while also probably killing everything in his path.

With limited time to make a decision, he quickly put the first set of coordinates in so that wherever he landed it wouldn't be in Asgard. Then he pressed the randomize button on the other sets (he wasn't sure what help a randomizing button on a coordinate inputer would be in a normal situation, but it sure was helpful now).

As the sets were randomizing, he jumped into the open portal before a set destination was made even though he knew it would probably be painful.

Granted, painful may have been a bit of an understatement.

It was a bit like using the Bifrost, but worse because the direction kept switching, which meant that one second he was falling and then he was jerking aggressively to another side.

He knew that this would be a bad idea, but it just.... really was a terrible idea.

Loki knew he'd have to get out of the transportation before the dial stopped, otherwise Thanos would still know where he was. So he tried to get closer to the edges and finally felt himself slip through right before he would have been slammed to the right again.

The first thing he felt was the freezing cold and the biting wind as he began to plummet to the ground from high up in the dark blue sky.

His back was facing the ground and he realized that he was startlingly dizzy from the travels, so righting himself enough to stick the landing was likely not an option.

The God continued to fall as sound rushed past his ears loudly. Slipping in and out of consciousness, he noticed the snowflakes also whipping past him.

Just as a sickening feeling of realization was settling over him about where he may or may not be, he crashed into the ground with a resounding thud.

Ice seemed to shudder beneath him and made a distinct cracking sound as his body made a small, Loki-shaped crater. The second he made impact, his skin prickled and faded into a deep azure once again while all his armor miraculously survived.

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