Prince Loki Laufeyson, of Jotunheim

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(Narrator POV)
Loki stood on the balcony of his new room, much like he had the first night he arrived. He was simply watching the citizens scurry about below.

The world was changing, that was as clear as day and as beautiful as the first leaf of spring. Small patches of ice were giving way to ground and grass once again.

Don't misinterpret, this planet would always be mostly ice and harsh to survive in, but some places would allow for some life that winter would never permit. The flowers growing along one of the roads were a clear indicator of that.

He was alone now, just watching the world below him bustle about. Thanks to the Casket, the sky was also a dark grey now during the day instead of pitch black. That meant that he could view the village around the castle easily.

There were tall buildings made of ice or stone, but also smaller ones and huts all around. There was a dark ice and stone path that led up to the castle and a large stone fence all round the city with a huge gate at the entrance.

It had been a few weeks, and the clarity of the view showed that. He could see all the endless plains of ice outside the gates and the mountains a ways away. He also saw how there was now a small stream not too far from the walls, and a small pond inside the gates.

Loki could even see Byleistr down with the people, mingling and taking in their problems so he could solve them. By the grin on his face, it was clear he loved his job.

The Mischief God thought that maybe he could love it here that much too. Loki believed that he could love this place for all its harsh wind and biting cold.

His new room also made him feel as though he was here to stay. He had finally accepted the chambers of a Prince even though he tried to say it was too much (which it was in his opinion), but they wouldn't have any of it.

It was a large room with stone and ice covering the floors, walls, and ceiling. A crystal and ice chandelier hung in the middle of the room, and below that was a set of sofas with an ice slab table between them. On the wall to the right from the door, there was a large dark wooden bed with furs in the middle with two ice nightstands.

On the wall across from the doors, was a balcony with huge doors that let in tons of light. Then on the same wall as the door out was an ice desk and a chair covered in fur.

The left wall had five other doors, one to a large closet (which he enchanted to be endless), another was to a giant bathroom, the next was to an armory and weaponry making area, after that was a door to a room dedicated for magic, and then finally a large storage room for things that weren't clothes (which he also enchanted). He had also put magical markings on the walls and wards that allowed him and his family to enter.

It was too much in a lot of ways, but he supposed that it wasn't too different from his rooms in Asgard.

"Did you know that I recognized you?" The voice of Laufey made Loki startle a bit, but all he did was turn his head to look over his shoulder slowly.

"No, where did you recognize me from?" Loki replied to his father (and wasn't that a weird, but pleasant thought).

"You were younger and Asgard had traveled to Svartalfheim, not knowing that some Jotuns had also traveled there at the same time. A small battle broke out and I happened to see you fighting during it. You took out more Jotuns than half the other soldiers combined."

Loki felt a flash of guilt at that. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You were impressive and you were only fighting us because we were posing a threat to your life, not because of where we were from." His father replied calmly.

Loki wasn't sure he believed him fully about not having to worry about it, but he was right about Loki's reasons at the time. So he simply nodded towards Laufey to show his understanding.

"My point is, I have a few jobs in mind for you and I'd like to discuss them with you." The King continued on after his eldest son gave a nod.

Loki paused and glanced out at his new world again. He did want to stay and he would feel less like he was taking something from them if he had some responsibilities.

It also may help with his Thanos, Asgard, and Void nightmares if he had something else important to focus on. Something that didn't involve him losing anything. Like people, or his mind, or copious amounts of blood.

The nightmares were bad and even though he'd had some time to adjust to his new form, he was still reeling. Having other things to work on besides weapons and magic would be much appreciated at this point.

"I would like that." Loki replied.

(Next day)
Loki was standing right inside the castle doors while his brothers and parents stood at the front speaking to the people about him.

He was wearing a black fur cloak, black boots, and black leather pants with silver necklaces and bracelets to decorate his newly blue skin.

His father explained the situation, and then announced his name and titles/future titles.

"Now announcing the God of Mischief, Lies, Fire, and Chaos, and your first and oldest Prince. Major General, Head of Weaponry and Battle Strategy.  Your future Lieutenant General, Head Advisor to Future King Helblindi, Co-Head Mage, Lieutenant of Education, Major of Library and Information, and Head of Weaponry and Battle Strategy. Prince Lonikai, also known as Loki, Laufeyson, of Jotunheim!"

Applause thundered outside, and Loki was surprised. He had never gotten any kind of recognition or applause like this before and it was slightly nerve-wracking.

Nevertheless, he stepped out of the castle to be met with even more cheers as he joined his family in front of all the citizens who now knew how the Casket had been gifted back to them.

It seemed as if things may be looking up. Plus, he really doubted word about him being alive would spread and cause any trouble for his new life, considering how nobody in Jotunheim spoke to any other realm very often.

Of course, if something did cause problems, he would deal with it and have a great time tricking the competition. He grinned and waved at the crowd as he started developing a new plan to get back at Asgard. They would never expect it and it would be the trick of the century.

He was the God of Chaos, after all.

A/N Heyo! I want to clarify for those confused; General as in general of the army, and Major is third in control while Lieutenant is second.

Also, all of their positions will be explained further later on.

Anywho! Enjoy and keep reading, my little snowflakes.

(I still won't apologize for my atrocious nicknames and you still can't make me)

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