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(Narrator POV)
After Thor came to avenge his thwarted coronation, word quickly spread that he had been banished to Midgard until he was 'worthy' again.

Safe to say, Loki was tickled to death.

Asgard was weakened, but Odin was still on the throne even though he was angry at his son's actions. The Warrior Three and Lady Sif just got slapped on the wrist, and sent on their ways which was alright with Loki because he didn't particularly care.

Loki was pleased in all his new positions and how things in Asgard went. Laufey was less happy about Thor's visit, but he wasn't mad because Loki had warned him, and also saved all the Giants fighting.

In the months after the banishment of Asgard's golden boy, many things happened in the castle of Jotunheim.

Helblindi began courting a Giantess named Dresia who had pure white hair, pale blue skin, ruby red eyes, and grey horns. She was assertive, but very nice and the family (especially Loki and Farbauti) already got along with her splendidly.

Byleistr was still not courting anyone, but he was enjoying doing all his wonderful jobs.

There was also an official coronation for Loki as Prince since he didn't have one as a child. He was gifted at the ceremony with another horned headband helmet, but it looked like it was made of ice with a silver shine to it.

Loki had also spent a bunch of time with each of his family members (and Dresia) individually. Not to mention all the time he spent with two or more of them at a time or all at once.

He had spent time with Laufey sparring or discussing battle strategies, and even though Loki didn't have the same passion for war that Thor (or Helblindi and Laufey) did, he enjoyed the logistics of it all. Loki also liked spending time with Laufey in the form of simple conversation because (unlike Loki and Odin) they were able to speak for hours with only minor disagreements. Laufey also did those things with Byleistr (mostly talking with him though) and Helblindi, and Loki liked the fact that Laufey didn't pick favorites amongst his children.

Loki and Helblindi spent their alone time sparring and talking battle strategy as well (sometimes Laufey joined them). They went out riding together on many occasions which Loki always liked.

Byleistr enjoyed reading and researching with Loki while also talking a lot with one another. They both had fun spending time in nature as well, and Byleistr liked to bring him out to speak with the people.

It turned out that the people of Jotunheim actually enjoyed his company, unlike the Asgardians. Not only was he the one to return the Casket, but he also had great plans and wit. They even respected the fact that he hadn't taken Helblindi's position as future King from him.

Loki and Farbauti enjoyed much the same things as he and Byleistr, but they also practiced and discussed magic at length with each other. She also loved to hear all about his magical accomplishments.

Dresia and Loki often spent their time together enjoying nature or making armor and weapons together. She loved the arts as well, which meant that Loki could always divulge in his artistic interests.

He also spent a great deal of his time improving and fixing up Jotunheim to return it to its old glory. Loki actually improved upon the old ways by making the realm even more splendid.

Animals and plants were growing in numbers, while the metals and precious gems in the mountains multiplied. The place was still freezing and an eternal winter, but there was a life here that had never been before.

All in all, Loki was having a wonderful time with his new family and he loved Jotunheim more than he ever thought possible.

Somehow, he was almost happy he fell.

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