To Midgard

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(Narrator POV)
The Bifrost swiftly deposited the group of humans and aliens on the sandy ground of a New Mexico desert.

Natasha and Steve were pretty much over the nausea part of the landings, while the others were slowly making progress. Thor was still confused about their reaction while Loki was highly amused.

A quinjet nearby opened the door automatically for them as they went toward it after the sickness had passed and they were prepared to leave.

The plan was for them to fly up to the Helicarrier to talk to Fury, and then head back down for a press conference where they would introduce Loki. Then they were all off to get showered and changed in order to show up at a gala on time.

It was a busy and public day which Bruce, Steve, Natasha, and Clint weren't used to. Tony and the two princes were pretty much raised having people, or cameras, or parties being thrown at them 24/7.

Although, Tony had been dialing it back more and more ever since he became Iron Man, and Loki had always been good at avoiding all those feasts and irritating diplomats who couldn't finish chewing their food before speaking.

Thor just loved the parties and festivals. They were his kind of scene because he loved dancing, eating, drinking, and loudly boasting about his victories on the battlefield.

Basically being an overall ignoramus, in Loki's humble opinion.

They boarded the jet with Clint and Natasha quickly finding their ways to the pilot seats. The journey to the floating SHIELD building began.

There was some awkward conversation until Bruce and Tony struck metaphorical gold with Loki.

They mentioned magic theory.

Next thing they know, they're fully engrossed in a science conversation with a millennia old mage, and they were quick to find that Loki understood just about all Midgardian sciences and could carry on a lively discussion about any of the topics they brought up.

It delighted them to find that Loki had a passion for the more intellectual side of things. It's not that Thor was stupid, he just had no interest in learning much more than how to work the toaster for pop tarts.

Loki appeared to thirst for knowledge, like a dehydrated man in the desert would for water.

Time went by fast during the conversation and they were too involved to even notice. Before they knew it, they were arriving at the Helicarrier and had to exit in order to head inside.

Fury was waiting for them the moment they entered the conference room, and his single eye immediately fell on Loki who refrained from hissing at the sight of an eyepatch. Stupid eyepatches.

He hated eyepatches.

"You must be Loki." Fury stated the obvious while gesturing for them all to have a seat while he (and Maria Hill behind him) would stay standing. Loki decided to remain stood behind the chair offered instead.

Offering seats to people while you keep standing always felt like a power move to Loki, and he was not a fan. He preferred to stand and he would do so, even if it bothered the Director.

"You must be Director Fury." Loki replied curtly after only a second passed. He wasn't big on stating the obvious either, but clearly this was going to be a day of him being confronted by things that annoyed him.

"Why don't you take a seat?" His tone was a bit condescending there, and that made Loki's metaphorical hackles rise real quick.

Insult him? Fine. Beat on him? No problem. Try to start a fight with him? Well, it must be Tuesday then.

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