Cracked Ice

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(Narrator POV)
Loki was awoken when the throne room doors slammed shut. Amazingly, he did feel better and more of his magic was restored now, so he was calling it a win even if his pride might have taken a hit.

His pride took another smackdown when he was forced into a kneel in front of a very large throne, with a very large Jotun sitting on it.

Loki was no idiot, and he recognized Laufey when he saw him, but now it was different. This was his father, and now he knew and it was weird.

Laufey had on his brown loincloth and a tan fur cloak draped over his shoulders. He still had no hair and a dark blue complexion. He also had a spear in one hand and a woman at his right side.

She was covered in silver jewelry with fine jewels and she had a long grey fur cloak resting over her that kept her chest covered with the help of a small black crop top. Her black loincloth went to the floor like a long skirt, and was adorned with many decorations in silver. She also had small dark blue horns on her forehead. Finally, she had long black hair in a loose side braid with white jems scattered throughout. That must be Queen Farbauti.

On the other side of Laufey were two Frost Giants that Loki presumed were his sons Helblindi and Byleistr.

One was taller than the other and had black hair down the middle of his head (seemed almost like shaved sides) that turned into a long braid behind him. Otherwise he looked like every other Frost Giant, with his black loincloth and horns. Loki believed that was Helblindi.

The other must be Byleistr and he was shorter than his brother. He had hair that was black and so long, that even in his ponytail, it went to his waist, and his white loincloth stood out against his significantly darker blue skin. His eyes were also more of a dark orange than a ruby red color and his horns were a light grey color on his forehead.

Loki could only imagine that he looked rather rough with his hair curled slightly more than it was allowed to when gelled back and his blue skin covered in smears of blood. The green and gold of his armor stood out sharply against both his almost electric blue skin and dark ruby red eyes.

All of their markings (Loki's included) were soft and mostly just risen lines on their skin. He had read once that Frost Giants' marks spike up a bit when threatened and that must be true considering how different Laufey's marks looked now that they were not meeting on a battlefield.

The guards were waved off and he was left alone with what was technically his new family.

What a reunion, right?

"I heard a whispering that you were Loki, but you seem a bit too blue to be the son of Odin." Laufey said with a feral grin.

Loki was getting the distinct feeling that he was in a wolves' den and he was a very tasty looking rabbit.

"I am Loki, but Odin is not my father, nor am I of Asgard." It was honest and a little painful to say. He had never been a huge fan of Asgard, but it had been his home for most of his life and saying it wasn't made him realize how startlingly alone he was.

"Mmm, is that so?" Laufey asked with a smirk that made Loki really want to vanish back into the Void.

He was nervous. I mean, these people were technically his family and if they didn't like him either, then he would seriously have to start considering that maybe something was just wrong with him.

"I was the son of Odin, but he lied to me my whole life and then threw me off the Bifrost when I called him out on it. So no, I am not of Asgard, or of Odin's house." Loki's tone did not waver and none of his nervousness was visible.

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