Thank You! The End!

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Whoo! We all made it to the end! It's a miracle.

I know that this story took me ages to finish and I feel genuinely bad about that, but I'm still gonna give myself a victory cookie for finally doing something months after I promised to do it. :)

I'm terrible.

Please forgive my awful time management, and keep in mind that writer's block and deadlines outside of Wattpad are not kind to little ol' me.

I am legitimately so glad to be done, oh my Loki!

Anyways! This story is done and I love it. It's my 6th published story and my 2nd Loki one. I am pretty pleased with it, I must say.

Some chapters are meh in my opinion, but I am probably my toughest critic so I'm choosing to accept that not all of them can be 100% perfect.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors (there shouldn't be any, but I might have missed some).

I proofread and edit myself, so I do apologize for any mistakes. (I have been speaking, reading, and writing in English for all of my life and I still have moments where I'm like "what on Earth is that even supposed to mean" so... ¯\_()_/¯ Big shrug.)

Also, I have some issue with commas where I either feel like I put too many or not enough. It's a real problem, but I hope you can bear with me on it. ;)

Constructive criticism is good, and I love hearing your opinions on the stories.

This story will probably not get a sequel, and I have a lot of different stories that I'm planning to write so I haven't got a clue yet which will be next.

I do not own any of the characters (except my OCs). I do not own any music, art, or pictures used. I only own the writing.

Please do not copy to another site or app (if you do, I will find you)(mostly joking)(Or am I?).

Mature story for gore and canon-typical violence.

Please vote and comment!

Peace out! ~Taboojinx

Approximate word count: 51,151

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