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(Narrator POV)
Thor, the Warrior Three, and Lady Sif were all once again trudging across the icy plains of Jotunheim. Only this time something about it was different.

The ground was entirely ice where they landed, but the sky was a pale grey instead of almost black. The wind was calmer than they had ever felt it, it was slightly warmer than usual (but still beyond freezing), and snowflakes were drifting down in large white puffs.

It seemed more peaceful now, instead of harsh, and none of them really understood why or how. The Casket of Winters remained safely hidden in the vault and those dumb Giants didn't even make it passed the door.

There shouldn't be any changes in the landscape, but there was.

They were near some mountains, and they could see what appeared to be a hybrid version of goats climbing up the icy rocks. There was also a herd of some kind of buffalo-type creature far off to their left. Some species of large black bird swooped down at them on their way.

None of them realized that that bird was a large raven that continued to follow them the rest of their way to the castle gates.

The wall and the gates were also new. The Asgardians were shocked to see a small stream not far off, and guards watching them from towers with a cautious, but unsurprised eye.

Magic thrummed through the air as the raven flew off to return to its room. Transforming back into the first Prince, when he landed on the balcony.

The group was slightly shocked when the gates were slowly pulled open, and they were allowed to walk through peacefully.

As they stepped over the threshold, they didn't feel the ward subtly slip over them and potentially lock them in if necessary.

Loki had felt it, though.

The dark stone and ice path led to the castle of sharp ice. On both sides of the road, there were hundreds of houses and businesses. Most were in varying shades of brown, and were very hut-like while some were more extravagant in stones or metals.

Thor's group was also unaware of the fact that a ward was between the road and the vast village on both sides. That ward meant that they would not be allowed to take one step near the peaceful abodes.

Shock was radiating off of them as they took in the patches of grass, the small but still substantial amount of thriving gardens, the different types of flowers, the small pond, the varying types of animals rushing about or in fenced-in areas, and the surprising amount of new but large trees that seemed similar to elm, oak, and willow.

Frost Giants in fur cloaks watched them with keen eyes from multiple places, and it made a shiver run down their spines. The 'savages'' eyes held an intelligence that they were not expecting to see.

Finally, they reached the castle doors, where guards stood in even bigger numbers than around the wall and throughout the village. King Laufey stood among them in his dark cloak and loincloth. By his side, was a six foot tall black panther that was about the size of Asgardian horses (little did they know that that was Loki standing at his father's side and disguised to hide his true identity).

"Thor Odinson, Lady Sif, and the Warrior Three! To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" Laufey asked sarcastically.

"We wish to know what Frost Giants are responsible for the thwarting of my coronation and how you plan to punish their acts!" Thor shouted angrily.

Laufey hummed noncommittally. "I plan to do nothing. Those people acted on their own, and I'd say that you punished them quite thoroughly because I assume they are dead."

"Yes, they are." Fandral answered rather calmly, in comparison to the large ball of brutish rage he stood beside.

"Well, then no further punishment is needed, and I did not send them so I believe our business is done." Laufey explained in the crisp and calm tone of a wise King.

"You're sons-." The King interrupted before Lady Sif had the chance to insult his sons.

"-Would have consulted me before doing anything of such nature." He continued on instead.

Loki was watching the whole event calmly. He was surprised how little seeing Thor and the others really affected him.

"I suggest you leave before something you regret happens." Laufey told them all, and Thor gained a pulsing vein in his forehead at the mere thought.

He hadn't calmed down one bit since they first arrived. It was also clear that he wasn't going to leave until he had gained what he considered some form of justice for his botched coronation.

Loki knew that Mjölnir was coming before it was even thrown, and he pushed his father down to watch the hammer fly over them, before going back to Thor, who was even angrier now.

The battle that ensued lead to the 'deaths' of quite a few Frost Giants, but really Loki had just used magic to make them look dead while he was actually saving them. He was fighting in his large cat form and defending his people elegantly.

Fandral got stabbed with ice, and the battle froze for a second in the mage's point of view. Loki sent a message of 'leave him alone' to the guilty Frost Giant the moment he saw what happened.

Then he bounded over to Fandral in his panther body, and watched the fear spark before he gently tugged him off the ice that impaled him. He knew it was odd behavior, but Fandral had saved his life once and had screamed for him at his execution so it was truly the least he could do.

He laid him on the ground and then prepared to go after Lady Sif. First though, he glanced back at Fandral to see his fear, and he couldn't help but let his eyes flash poison green for only a moment.

The battle ended when he pinned Thor to ground and roared in his face. He spoke in a different and deep, growly voice.

"Go home now, princess!"

After that, he was surprised how quickly Thor was ushered out by his comrades as Sif and Volstagg carried away Fandral. The blonde warrior would not stop glancing back at Loki in contemplation, before he finally gave a curt nod almost like he was agreeing to keep an unknown secret.

Then again, maybe he knew exactly what secret he'd be keeping.

A/N Hallo, Freunde! (Hello, friends)(but German)(danke (thank you) Google Translate)!
This is a bit like a filler, but I think it's still important to the story.

Also, I like Fandral a lot of time because he is amusing and also doesn't belittle people. He was also like the only one who didn't threaten Loki in Dark World which I liked.

Soooo, I hope you liked it and keep on reading!

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