Merry Boy Band

668 31 19

Warning, Thor is a bit racist against Frost Giants here so you may be angered.
(Narrator POV)
The trio of Frost Giants were steadily walking toward the group of five humans and a God.

Loki felt a little nervous, but he refused to show it. He was at his full giant height to be mostly level with his brothers (taller then Byleistr, but shorter than Helblindi), and he wore his Jotun clothing. They were walking and Loki was glad to have one brother on each side.

Helblindi had his long black hair down the middle of his head as usual and he had braided the rest of it to hang down his back intricately, and his black horns had the tips painted gold. He also wore his usual black loin cloth with an added dark grey fur cloak wrapped around his shoulders and held together at the neck with an intricate gold snowflake pendent. Many of his markings were painted gold and he had gold bracelets on both wrists.

Byleistr had his insanely long black hair up in a ponytail once again, but he added a bit of a twist design to it and wrapped it in a thin gold string that spiraled all the way to the bottom. His dark orange eyes had a white eyeliner around them and his darker blue skin was once again in striking difference to his long white loin cloth. He too was wearing a cloak, but it was made of a thick, white fabric rather than fur. He had left his small light grey horns alone, but he was covered in white paint and beads in all forms of jewelry.

Loki was wearing his normal black leather boots and pants, but he had thin silver chains wrapped around his legs in intervals like bracelets on an arm. Each chain was sewn into the pants and had small green crystals hanging down. His boots also had small silver chains wrapped at the ankle and tiny green gems.

The Mischief God also had the navy blue leather piece that laid diagonally on his waist and a silver chain belt. He had on his black fur cloak with a green emerald holding it together at the top. Loki had many silver bracelets that went all the way up his arms as arm cuffs. All the jewelry was adorned with green gems.

His hair was wavy and free (a/n like Ragnarok) with a few silver strings through it, and some of his markings were highlighted with silver.

Becoming an Oracle (which his family was very proud of him for and had already planned a festival to celebrate) also gave him a new physical feature as well.

He had wicked, pitch black horns that started at his forehead and were of a size similar to his head-band, but the shape was different. Instead of curving out and up and then to the back (like his helmet and head-band), they curved up slightly (just above his head) then went back and then finally curved slightly more up (a/n picture them kind of like Maleficent's horns)

He had wrapped a silver thread around them and at the very end was where a green crystal hung.

All three men were both graceful and imposingly terrifying. A clear mix of beauty and danger. They could be deadly and the intricate outfits didn't change or conceal that in the slightest.

The fact that they were all about 10 feet tall probably had something to do with it.

Helblindi had a gold spear in his hand, Byleistr carried a silver sword, and Loki had a silver spear with green gems (Not Lævateinn because Thor would recognize it). All of them had many more weapons concealed in them.

The brothers walked across the icy land with surety in every step. They knew who they were approaching, and they were not fearful of these mighty heroes. The princes were the ones here with impunity.

The Avengers were all slightly unnerved at the hulking people coming closer, and they may never admit it, but they were starting to question what they had gotten themselves into.

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