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(Narrator POV)
Loki arrived in Jotunheim right as Odin screamed that he would 'this time destroy you all' or something.

He landed from his teleportation in his blue Jotun form, but he kept on his leather armor. His horns and red eyes were on full display as well, and he twirled Lævateinn calmly at his side.

"Oh? You'll destroy all of us?" A thousand illusion Lokis popped up after he said 'all'. "I'm not so sure about that, Odin."

With that, the battle waged.

Blood from both species flew throughout the air, but the Asgardians were surprised to find that their blood was spilled the most.

Loki and his brothers took out countless Aesir as their father battled Odin. They were a force to be reckoned with and as the night wore on, more and more golden soldiers fell.

Perhaps Jotuns could be considered savages, but only in battle. A better word would be 'beasts'.

They would bite and claw, and fight with grit and determination. Losing was not an option and maybe the reason they fought so hard was because they had things to protect.

Like the children within the castle walls. The boys and girls too young to fight, and the elderly defending them valiantly. Some disabled or women and men who didn't want to be warriors. The Queen and Prince Helblindi's love.

What did Asgard have to lose? Their own lives or pride. That was nothing to fight for in a war like this.

The Jotuns could fight like monsters, but so could the Asgardians, and for totally different reasons.

Loki heard a shout that made him look up and over toward where his father was dueling his not-father. He was appalled by the sight.

Odin had speared Laufey through the shoulder.

It wasn't too life-threatening, and Loki knew that his father would stand and fight again right away, but it still made anger well into Loki's stomach like enraged vipers.

It's been said once and it will be said again, never anger Loki.

He turned and made his way toward them as the world seemed to turn into slow-motion. The armies parted for him like the Red Sea, and his steps appeared to thunder on the icy tundra.

His power sent cracks and ripples through the ice as green magic moved from his hands to glide over his arms entirely. Lævateinn was a heavy weight in his hand as he approached the two kings.

Suddenly, a rush of power filled him and the universe stopped. His red eyes turned neon green with no pupil as his magic overflowed, and his markings shown a neon blue.

White light seemed to come up from the ground to wrap around his legs and feed into his magic. His horns had runes glowing in the same brilliant white that read shocking words.

The Norns Bless Thee.

As all the soldiers turned toward the glowing green, blue, and white light in confusion, Loki ran toward his target just as it turned.

The God of Mischief leapt in the air and raised Lævateinn in a deadly arch, while magic hummed along his body in a blinding glow.

Time slowed as he came crashing down in a blow that pierced right through Odin's chest.

Shock reverberated as Odin stared at his once-son, who did nothing more than pull his weapon off the golden armor.

Odin fell to his knees in front of the boy his wife had raised, as his army gasped in revelation and disgust.

The King of Asgard reached for Loki, only to be shoved off and onto the ground. He looked up at the Shadow Prince when he lifted Lævateinn to deliver the final strike.

"Wait! You would kill your own father for them?!" Odin cried in outrage, as even the Jotuns stood in awe of Prince Loki.

"No, I would never." Loki said simply, but titled his head as if in thought when Odin began to smirk. "So I suppose it's a good thing you were never my father."

With that, he gave only a moment to allow Odin's face a chance to morph into shock, before he plunged the spear through the Allfather's blackened heart.

For one moment, the battlefield was deathly silent.

Loki turned to address the Asgardian army. "Look around you! Your men are dying in spades while ours live on, your lifeblood covers the ground while ours does not." He paused to glance at Odin. "Your King has fallen while ours stands tall." Then he looked back and spoke loudly. "Is this what you want? Constant war and death? Or do you want to go home to your families and be able to tell your children and wives goodnight?"

A murmuring filtered through the loyal warriors.

"We don't want war, but if you take one more step forward in this path, you will get one. We don't want to kill you, but if you come to our home again uninvited, we will make sure it is a bloodbath." He made eye contact with a few before speaking one more time. "I don't want to send you all home dead, but if you take one more action against my people, I can personally guarantee that you'll need to be removed in bags."

Fear and amazement passed over all the warriors faces as they stared at the person who was thought to be their lesser prince.

More whispers carried throughout the snow as the Jotuns moved to slowly group behind Loki in a show of support.

Finally, the choice had been made and the speaking from the Aesir stopped as they stared at their fallen king and the man who had killed him.

The reply was shouted out in pure desperation and hope because Asgard had never fought a battle like this.

They had never been so thoroughly slaughtered before this night on Jotunheim, in the midst of their greatest enemy.

"We agree to leave! We want a truce!"

That night was different then Loki had seen. The snow was not painted with Jotun blood, but Asgardian. The children did not scream in fear, but in delight. The mothers did not cry, but instead sang their youngsters back to sleep in their untouched homes.

It was not a warm, pale hand holding Odin's mighty weapon as an azure sun rose for the first time in Jotunheim, but a cold, blue one.

Odin did not plant Gungnir in the icy ground of Jotunheim as a sign of victory for all.

But Loki did.

A/N Hey! I really hope you guys liked this chapter because it turned out better than I expected.

It's not very long, but I didn't feel the need to make it too much longer than it is now.

Oh, and there will be another battle next chapter so enjoy!

Keep reading, my little snowflakes!

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