Chest As Void As The Place I'm In

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(Narrator POV)
Months had passed and Loki stayed in the Void. No sound, no light, no taste, no smell, and no feeling. It was said that a second in the Void could make even the strongest creatures break and turn insane. Loki could see why.

Memories were twisted around and he was forced to look through all his bad ones. All the good memories were broken and put back together in a way that highlighted the bad seconds in those.

He knew how his memories actually went so it wasn't too bad, but seeing the smile on his mother's face turned into an angry sneer, still hurt more than he thought it would.

He watched moments where the people he cared about could have died, except sometimes the memories changed so that they don't make it out alive.

Loki felt like his chest was being ripped open over and over, and he had to watch his heart get pulled out and shredded into ribbons.

He regretted saying that Frigga wasn't his mother, because she was. Even if he still felt the twisting sting of her betrayal, he didn't want that to be the last thing he ever said to her.

Odin wasn't his father, and Loki couldn't find much more care then the small bit he could begrudgingly offer. He still would have liked to be able to apologize for everything he ever did. For everything he never did, for not being the perfect son, for not being Thor. Just to clear his conscience before inevitable death.

Thor probably felt terrible that he was just a second too late. Only a second. He was probably beating himself up over it and feeling so confused.

Or, he was completely over it. Maybe they all were. Did they even remember him or had it been a bit too long? Did they forget him the moment the Void closed?

Maybe Frigga didn't feel bad for latching a collar onto him, essentially being the only reason he didn't get away. The reason he was put on that ledge in the first place. Perhaps she didn't even care that he said that awful thing to her minutes before his 'death'. Maybe she didn't care that she literally put a leash on her son like he was just some mutt.

Odin? He was probably celebrating and holding feasts to honor his victory. He wouldn't have wanted to hear any of Loki's empty apologies anyways. Probably would have called them lies.

Perhaps Thor was having a party with his friends because he was just so happy that he finally didn't have to deal with his annoying little brother anymore. No longer did he have to pay attention to the person who would have one day been his head advisor.

There wasn't a person drowning in Thor's shadow anymore.

Asgard was probably having some festival to celebrate that they finally got rid of the monster that had been hiding within their walls. Dancing, drinking, laughter. So joyful and relieved to be free of him.

Loki was a Jotun who was once an Asgardian. He was a disgrace. He may have been the God of Lies, Fire, Mischief, and Chaos, but now he was also considered a savage. Loki was a Frost Giant which meant that he might as well be a beast in the eyes of most realms. He was a Skywalker who could travel along the branches of the Yggdrasil tree, but that didn't make him any less disgusting or shameful to Asgard. Loki was a liar, a thief, and a mistake to everyone who he once knew.

Nothing, but a pawn and criminal to Odin. To the King, he was just Thor's shadow and a waste of breath. He was a Liesmith and a Silvertongue who could trick and lie his was out of anything. He wasn't an Odinson or a Friggason anymore, just a Laufeyson.

He was a monster and a trickster.

The names flew at him faster than he could process, but they all hurt with a sharp sting that he hadn't felt in years. He was used to all the names that people would call him. All the insults, but in the Void they hurt again. 'Monster' held a particularly burning  pain to it.

If he could scream he would, but it came out silent and made him want to scream even more. He wanted out of here and he knew that he couldn't get out anytime soon, if he could at all.

He couldn't feel the tears, but he assumed that they're there. Or maybe he was too dehydrated to cry. This place would keep him alive, but he knew he was still dehydrated and starving.

More months passed and Loki didn't  know how long he had been in the Void for sure (about six months in total), but he knew that he was not okay and he needed out.

His mind had swirled with darkness countless times throughout the time there and he felt just as sick as he did months ago, if not worse.

Suddenly, cold gripped him tightly, and he gasped in surprise and then again when he realized that he could hear his gasp and feel the temperature. Cold claws dragged at his sides and he wanted to scream, but his throat was too dry.

He felt a pull and then he was yanked onto solid ground. Loki was on planet with biting wind and there were claws that dug into his stomach when he tried to sit up.

Loki glanced up and saw a Chitauri towering over him and normally he would be cocky, but right now all he could hope was that the beast isn't bloodthirsty right now.

Quickly, he was dragged across the ground and forced onto his hands and knees in front of a figure in a black cloak.

He didn't even have to look up to know that it was the Other. Shivers ran down his spine so hard that it shook his body, but he looked up defiantly.

Losing isn't an option. He's come too far and he was not afraid of some creepy, pale snake-man. The Void was a little hard to follow up after, and honestly not much would scare him right now.

They could beat him, torture him, or whatever they want to do. He's not letting these creatures break him like everybody wanted to.

"Look what we have here. Are you lost, little god?" The man asked with mock-sweetness. Loki couldn't  help the sneer that came across his face naturally.

"Nah, I'm just taking a little detour." He snarled with a venom he didn't know he still had. A fire lights up in his green eyes and he felt more vicious than he ever had before.

"Oh, really?" The creature growled, angry now. Loki just smiled. "Maybe we should make you regret that." A smirk grew across his face, but it doesn't worry Loki too much.

"Do your worst." Loki didn't know why he said that and he instantly regretted it, but it was too late now so he threw on a smile and hid his panic.

"Oh, we will." The thing seemed so pleased, that Loki actually debated if the Void would be a better option. That was when he heard the steps behind him. He doesn't know what or who that was, but he knew that he was going to regret ever meeting them.

"Hello, little god."

A/N *singing* I have mixed feeeeelings! *end singing*. On the one hand, I kind of like the chapter, but on the other I feel like I could make it darker.

I suppose meeting in the middle is better anyways because some people don't like the darker stuff (you see, I like writing it, but not reading it so much).

I also pretty much made up what I think the Void is like, but I like it and I hope you do too.

Enjoy and keep reading it!

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