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(Narrator POV)
After he said that Laufey was his father, they all took a step toward him, and he took a step back on instinct. He was glad he had been standing for awhile now and that his wounds were healed, otherwise doing that probably would have hurt him.

"Lonikai?" Farbauti asked him quietly, and he could hear tears beginning to take over her tone slightly.

(A/N I was going to use Loki's alternate name Lopt, but to be honest I don't like it. So, I gave him a new one that I made up. It's kind of pronounced like lone-eh-kai or it can be lon-eh-kai, depending on what you like better. Hope you like it.)

"I don't know." Is what he answered because he really didn't want to get their hopes up.

"May we see the markings?" Helblindi asked, and it struck Loki for the first time that he was technically the older brother now.

Loki nodded to his inquiry which led to  him changing his outfit at the same time that he made himself almost equal to their height, without otherwise changing his appearance too much.

He shed the shirt to reveal the rest of the marks while he left on the black leather pants and boots.

They look for a few minutes in silence before Farbauti moved in front of him with tears in her bright red eyes.

"Can I hug you?" She asked quietly and he nodded slowly in response. The Queen wrapped him up in a tight hug as tears slid down her cheeks and onto his shoulder.

He gently hugged her back, and he assumed that all this meant he was, in fact, related to them the way he was told.

After that, things go by in a blue blur of hugs and kind familial greetings. They agreed to get to know each other better over dinner, and then talk more the next day.

He found that his mother was very similar to Frigga and she was apparently where he got his magic gifts from. She was kind and understanding, but also protective and ruthless when she needed to be. A warrior just as great as her husband, but a much better strategist. She was crazy smart, and ran the library in the castle.

Laufey was ruthless as an enemy, and was considered harsh by many, but he was an utter teddy bear when with his family. He and Farbauti searched for centuries to find Loki after he went missing. They never really stopped looking.

He also learns during the dinner that his father was big on weapons and fighting, but preferred to make his own weapons (much like Loki).

Helblindi was funny, but also fairly straight to the point and quiet. He could be harsh and angered easily, but he was good at pretending to be calm in the moments needed. He also enjoyed fighting, but he loved studying the rare wildlife of the realm as well.

Byleistr was witty, and a bit like Fandral in the way he flirts with the citizens. On the inside he was really, very sweet and he liked to read almost as much as Farbauti.

Loki found that he had something in common with all of them, and ends up making plans with each to do those things together.

That's when Loki started learning more about Jotuns, and he got the chance to explain that he tried to find books on Jotunheim, but all the factual ones had been destroyed at some point in all the realms except for Jotunheim. He knew that he'd be less than welcome to look through their books before now.

He was given a crash course on Jotun life, and a promise to be taught as much as he wanted, while he agreed to teach them everything he knew about the other realms since he had visited most of them.

After dinner (which consisted of all kinds of food that Loki was not used to, but enjoyed nonetheless.), they made plans to put the Casket back in its place in the morning, and get Loki dressed into something he'll like, but that will still let him fit in a bit.

Loki also suggested that they make plans to mess up Thor's upcoming coronation because it would be very easy and would please him greatly.

"You're just a bit evil aren't you?" Byleistr asked after the suggestion which made Loki grin wickedly.

"Everybody's a little evil sometimes."

After all that, he was shown to a room with a bed covered in fur blankets and walls with ice on them. There was a large window and balcony across from the door which he walked out onto in order to look across what could potentially be his new home.

They asked him to stay, he said maybe. He felt like he owed them too much already, and he had no right to this castle or anything in it.

He already felt like maybe Helblindi would feel threatened if Loki didn't watch where he stepped. Helblindi was set to receive the crown when Laufey was ready to step down. Now his older brother comes out of nowhere, and technically has the authority to take the position first. That doesn't seem fair to Loki.

He doesn't especially want to be king though. Helblindi had been the King-in-training for years, and he deserved the crown.

Byleistr doesn't have much to lose because he currently has a position as Head Advisor for the people, which basically meant that he brought the people's problems to the King, and helped the people by himself in any way he could. He loved his job and there was no real threat from Loki about it.

Farbauti and Laufey were secure in their positions, so of course they didn't feel much threat there. That didn't necessarily mean that they don't feel threatened by him.

He was a stranger and he grew up with the enemy. He admitted that he was taken to be a pawn, so it wouldn't be ridiculous for them to think that maybe this was all part of some elaborate plan. Sure, he's their son, but family can betray you just as easily.

If anyone knew how that felt, it was him.

He was also dealing with the mental reactions to his torture. He may have physically healed, but he was still hurt in other ways. He would have to find ways to cope while hiding it as best as he could.

Loki didn't want people to know that the the torture did actually affect him. Sympathy wasn't something needed at the moment, and he hated feeling weak.

So he stood, and watched over a place dark and deserted. A place that he would have and should have grown up in, but didn't. A place he was stolen from, and may leave again.

A place he would one day call home.

A/N Again, I was going to use Loki's alternate name Lopt, but to be honest I don't like it so I gave him a new one that I made up. Hope you like it anyways.

Lone-eh-kai or Lon-eh-kai, read it however pleases you. I generally go back and forth because I like both.

Also, I don't know for sure if he can make himself taller (I'm pretty sure he can), but I made him do it anyways because I am the master here and I make the choices (😂).

There is also the fact that I made them about 10ish feet tall because they are around that height in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even though they're like 19 feet tall in the mythology.

Another thing, I'll mention again that I'm not sure why I write in like a mix of mostly past tense and some present tense, but I always have and it doesn't sound right to me when I stop so I hope you don't mind too much.

Enjoy and keep reading.

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