I Agree

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Warning for some racist (towards Jotuns) remarks by Thor and some Thor-bashing (Loki insults him quite thoroughly in this chapter).

Don't worry, he'll stop being an idiot later in the story.
(Narrator POV)
Hours passed before night fell and fires were lit all around the festival. A large communal feast was held, more dancing was done, and conversations continued between the locals.

The Avengers actually felt welcomed here. Asgardians had been nice enough, but they were all a bit much and they had been judgmental in a lot of their actions.

Aesir were loud and boisterous, enjoying parties and partaking in large amounts of drinking. They weren't bad people, but they did seem to completely ignore and look down upon the Avengers just because they were human.

Jotuns did no such thing. They included the Avengers in their conversations and dances, and they made sure that the ragtag group of mortals felt welcomed. They were humble and they weren't nearly as loud. Alcoholic beverages were passed about, but nobody indulged quite like the Asgardians had.

The children that had called Loki over earlier were running around with beautiful hair designs, and they continued to flock toward the oldest prince whenever possible.

Matter of fact, many people were choosing to wander towards him. Older Frost Giants would dote on him for a minute and then they would leave before it annoyed him. Male and female Jotuns would ask him for dances, or would simply speak with him for awhile. The children would run all around him asking for dances or magic shows.

The funny thing, Loki always agreed.

On Asgard, there was a very clear line between higher class and lower class. Royals and warriors were typically not to be approached by anyone else, and if they were, it was considered offensive.

On Jotunheim, however, it seemed like anyone was allowed to approach anyone. Conversation between classes was not frowned upon, but embraced.

So Loki danced, performed magic for, and talked to anyone and everyone who wanted him to. He seemed more than happy to waste the night away with his family and subjects.

Loki was the most popular that night because he was the guest of honor, but his brothers were also having a ball with the locals while the King and Queen mostly just spoke to any individual who came up to them.

Tony was living it up at the party, even though he was unfamiliar with the culture. He normally had to pretend to have fun at parties, but this one was actually enjoyable. Plus, he was quite pleased with the fact that he had been able to steal a few moments (and dances) from Loki.

Steve was a blushing mess as some older Jotuns pinched his cheeks and called him something he was pretty sure meant 'adorable'. Natasha was very quiet, but she was having pleasant conversations with a few aliens. Clint was partying and having a rousing discussion about bows and arrows with Helblindi.

It was late in the night and many people left to take their children home. The sky was dark, but the stars and fires were bright enough to please the people staying behind

Since the party had died down slightly, Loki was able to slip away with the Avengers.

"I was told to take you back to your cells for the night since we have a very important meeting in the morning." He informed them promptly.

The Avengers understood that so they didn't complain, even though Clint and Tony were having a lot of fun and wanted to stay.

None of them had even found out what the festival was for, just that it was for one of Loki's accomplishments though they didn't know which one.

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