Invade Thy Kingdom

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(Narrator POV)
"Sire, are you sure this is wise?" A loyal Gatekeeper asked his King as the soldiers descended upon the Rainbow Bridge.

"You dare to question me?" Odin asked his old friend in return, somewhat accusatory.

"No, your majesty, it's just that Loki-." Heimdall was interrupted before he could finish his thought on the matter.

"No more speaking of Loki! That runt is no threat to us!" Odin Allfather shouted and received cheers from all his warriors. "Now, open the Bifrost and send me to where I wish to be."

"You and I both know that he is more than a runt." Heimdall stated gravely, but moved to acquiesce to his request.

On a balcony covered in beautiful plants, in a room etched with magical runes, a proud mother and resentful wife smiled.

Odin and his army were quickly taken to Jotunheim and they were swift in their march towards the castle.

They had been informed by a Jotun they had captured during the raid at Thor's coronation. Somehow he had managed to survive the stab wound that made him appear dead to the other Jotuns.

They had tortured him thoroughly, so he told them that Jotunheim had had the Casket of Ancient Winters returned to them by Prince Loki.

He had also told them about how truly different and better things had been since Loki's arrival. The Jotun hadn't told them everything though.

He hadn't said anything about how Loki had made them stronger weapons and armor. The Jotun never mentioned how Loki had been working with the army, and taught them all kinds of tricks that could beat Asgard.

So the Asgardians were going in more clueless than they believed, and were stunned when they got closer to the castle.

However, before they could get there all the way, they were met halfway by the Jotun army, led by King Laufey and the two remaining princes.

"Odin." Laufey greeted with clear disdain toward the King of Asgard.

"Laufey." Odin sneered right back at his arch rival of centuries. His army shifted minutely behind him after realizing that the Jotun army had grown substantially.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" Laufey asked sarcastically.

"We heard that a certain prince was no longer in your charge." Odin stated smugly as his soldiers began to grow back some confidence.

"He's helping Midgard, as you well know, but he will be back." The Jotun King responded without a shred of doubt about his oldest son's return.

"Will he?" Asgard's King asked condescendingly. "Or will he even have anything to come back to?"

"Are you threatening us?" Helblindi questioned dangerously for the first time, with a deathly look in his red eyes.

"I am not threatening, I am declaring." Odin stated simply. "This is war once again, and this time I shall destroy you all!" He roared viscously.

(Midgard, a few minutes before. Exact location; Tony Stark's guest room)
Loki sat bolt upright in bed with a shout. He felt the shiver run up his spine as he shifted into his true Jotun blue.

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