Trust My Rage

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(Narrator POV)
Loki could never tell you how he convinced everyone that his plans were good. He couldn't explain what charm he pulled or what genius plot he cooked up.

Because quite frankly, he wasn't sure himself.

It was a good plan, don't get him wrong, but there are certain things that you just don't expect people to say yes to. Sending Frost Giants right into the home of their number one enemy, is most certainly one of those things.

However, the plan was marvelous and it lead to emotional and physical gain. Meaning, Loki got to have some fun with the people who threw him off the Bifrost, and Jotunheim would gain some artifacts.

It had been a few weeks since he was announced here, and almost a year had passed since his supposed death. He had spent his time tending to his new jobs, settling in, and working on a way to save Nebula. Along with a few other things.

The Asgardians clearly didn't know he was alive, and that meant they weren't expecting something of his making to ruin their evening.

Thor was having a coronation which was something that (in the interest of all Jotuns, and literally everyone else) they should stop. He wanted a war and Loki knew as much, which meant that the moment the metaphorical crown rested on his head, the times of peace and good fortune were over.

Loki knew his ex-brother well enough to know that he wasn't ready to be King yet. He was brash. A brute that wouldn't listen to reason, he needed experience and wisdom before Loki would feel comfortable placing any kind of responsibility on his shoulders.

So, he developed a scheme, like he always does when trouble is afoot.

The plan was that Loki would break four Frost Giants into the Castle of Asgard. From there, two would split off to ruin the coronation and serve as a distraction while the other two made haste to the vault.

Three of the Frost Giants would be from the list of people sentenced to death for their crimes against Jotunheim so that way they could be killed. The other would be someone else that Loki would save with magic to get back home.

That person would be one of the ones heading to the vault, and they'd be the one carrying the spoils of the trek. The people who were set to die would be given the chance to gain back their honor before death, and they'd probably prefer dying in battle opposed to an execution. If they survived then Loki would try to zap them home too.

Byleistr argued that he should be one of the ones to go in. Even though the family didn't like it, he made good arguments and the debate ended in favor of his opinion.

Loki would guide them through everything, and he'd make sure they got in the vault. He'd also instruct them on what to take and what not to.

He planned to keep the Casket of Ancient Winters spell up and extra strong as well. He knew that the Asgardians would assume they came for that, and he didn't want some other Frost Giant getting blamed for what he did. Loki also intended to put spells up for all the things taken as well, so that they wouldn't leave a single trace.

Somehow he convinced them, and the plan was set in motion soon afterwards. Loki seamlessly got the Giants in the castle and two rushed in to ruin the coronation, while the other two (one being Loki's own brother) sped off to the vault while following Loki's telepathic directions.

It was all under his watchful eye, and he projected it so the rest of the family and council could see as well.

Loki knew the Asgardians. That was one of the reasons he was one of the people in charge of the army, and the main person in charge of weapons and battle strategy. He knew them and he could predict them.

He had studied up on pretty much every realm's fighting and weaponry, and he had spent a good part of his youth comparing them to Asgard. Loki made his very own hybrid fighting style that helped fend off all kinds of creatures.

Most of the time, he knew an Asgardian's move before they made it. So he watched with a keen eye as his brother and citizens made their way through the golden kingdom.

Byleistr slipped into the vault with the other Giant and began grabbing all the things that Loki suggested. He took the time to ask questions about the things being left behind (fire artifacts aren't great for a planet of ice, and there was absolutely no need to have Thor's first sword with them, etc.).

Loki was slightly amazed when he was able to teleport Byleistr home without any incident and the other Frost Giant left the vault so it wouldn't raise suspicion.

Instead he went and acted like he was going to attack the doors because he wanted to make it look like they hadn't been in the vault yet. Soon he passed on, just like his fallen brothers in the throne room.

Byleistr gave all the artifacts to their father to escort to the vault, except for one. He handed it to his oldest brother with a smile, and Loki soon returned the grin with a nod of thanks. Everyone else nodded in approval with small smiles gracing their azure features.

Apparently, they had heard the stories of his mighty weapon that Odin had ripped from his hands centuries ago.

It was too dangerous, he had said.

Loki smiled as the room emptied and he looked at the magnificent weapon in his hands. Lævateinn sat in his palm, and being reunited with her felt better than anything before.

She was a spear he crafted that had curved blades at both ends. She was a gold and silver mix with green and blue accents. As his new skin touched her, the silver and blue were more highlighted than the green and gold.

Lævateinn had magical powers and enchantments on her. She could split in the center to become two smaller spears, or she could become a sword on both ends. That meant that she could also separate and become to swords or shrink down into daggers.

Not to mention, she had a few secrets not yet disclosed. Oh, yes, Odin had been right.

She was too dangerous.

A/N....Hello. I'm sorry that there is no dialogue, but this is mostly a filler. I wanted all of this to happen, but I really want to get to the next part of the story so dialogue was not what I wanted to do.

I love Lævateinn (and the fact that Loki made it in some of the mythology) so I had to add it in. Although, I just came up with most of that stuff because finding the weapon's abilities is really difficult.

Here are some pictures I used to base my design on.

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