Victory For The Broken

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(Narrator POV)
The Avengers (plus Nebula and Loki) stood on a dusty street covered in Chitauri bodies and rubble. Across from them stood Thanos.

"You have grown stronger, little God." Thanos commented with a demented smirk.

"And you have grown weaker, Titan." Loki instantly responded, with a grin of his very own that was boarding on manic after hours of constant fighting.

There was a pause as Thanos scowled at the bravery shown against him. He didn't like when people doubted his power.

"Nebula, it's time to come home." He said sternly, trying to gain back some of the respect he deserved (a/n I actually laughed while writing that).

"Never again." Was her curt reply as she stood by her new brother and his friends.

This man would no longer hold so much power over her. She wished to be free from his clutches and this was her golden opportunity. She was going to take this chance, even if it killed her.

Quickly, a battle broke out between the opposing sides.

All of them against Thanos may have seemed easy in theory, but he was a powerful being even without the stones at his side.

The battle was somewhat even until Thanos managed grab Nebula by the throat and Tony by the leg. She stabbed at him and clawed, while Tony shot repulser after repulser at him and still had little reaction.

Loki felt power and rage fill him and soon that same white energy from the Yggdrasil was climbing up his legs, but this time he used his gifts to send power to everyone else as well.

Nebula suddenly clawed with a vicious strength that cut right through Thanos' thick skin, her black eyes shone with an inner light and she screamed as her blade started stabbing more furiously.

Tony's blasters became brighter, and his eyes lit up under the mask as he began leaving deadly black burn marks in his wake. He yanked his leg from Thanos' grip and gave him a solid kick to the face.

The others had similar reactions.

Natasha's bullets got faster and stronger, glowing a bright white and green along with her eyes.

Clint's arrows left a trail of white and green behind as his sight improved even more than it already was.

Steve's shield started to hum with power as it sliced through Thanos' sides before returning back to him in sparks of light.

Even Thor was having positive effects, as lightning surrounded his hammer and eyes.

Loki was the most powerful of them all.

His eyes shone with green power and mist even though they were in their red form, and blue patterns flowed on his skin in shining light. The power swirled around him like a green and white tornado and he spun Lævateinn like a pro.

The runes on his horns gave it away to a very confused and alarmed Thanos.

"You were blessed by the Norns." He said in awe, almost like he was questioning what he could very clearly see emblazoned on Loki's head.

"Yes, I was always their favorite." He smirked at his past tormentor. "But you never were."

As the power grew, the world watched on, either from the side of the street or through cameras on tv, as the God they just met grew in strength.

Tony sent a small missile Thanos' way as Nebula continued to stab him and Loki came in for a series of blows.

The fight went on, and multiple injuries were taken on, but finally the end was near.

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