More Than You Ever Had Before

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A/N This chapter is much longer than the others so far! Seriously, jeez.
(Narrator POV)
Loki was shackled to the floor by thick silver chains. His wrists and neck were being tightly constricted as electricity surged through the chains and into his body.

He tried to hold in his screams of agony, but this had been going on for so long that he couldn't help letting the noises slip passed his dry and chapped lips.

His skin tingled as he was scorched from the energy surging through him, and a burning heat welled under his muscles and into his bones like lava through his veins. Bolts of electricity zapped along his pale and battered skin.

Finally, the pain stopped and so did the electric volts. The God hunched over with a gasp as the thunderous footsteps of an indigo Titan approached.

Fear spiked in Loki's gut as he saw the psychopath who had tortured him for days, and weeks, and an eternity.

"You will help me, Little God, and if you don't there is no place for you to hide and no way for you to beat me. You are nothing, but a pawn for me to play with, and when you finally break, I will be there to rebuild you into exactly what I want." Thanos sneered as he leaned down to be at eye-level with the fallen God.

Loki didn't say anything for a moment, before he sneered right back at the purple man. "You will never break me, and you will never succeed in your mission." He paused before continuing with a look of defiance.

"You will never be a God."

Thanos' hand snapped out and gripped Loki's jaw roughly, pushing his head back and pulling it up enough that the chained collar dug into his skin and drew blood with its sharp edges.

"And you, pathetic prince, will never be anything more than a weak, Jotun runt!" He told Loki, as he stared into those emerald eyes. Then his scowl turned into a manic smirk.

"Nowhere is safe for you now, Laufeyson."

Then Loki felt a rushing pain in his head and everything went black. He heard a piercing female scream that he recognized, but his mind wouldn't let him place.

He was slightly startled when, after that, a spinning rainbow galaxy shown in front of him before that same woman's voice whispered to him.

"He's coming."

Loki woke with a gasp as sweat poured down his form. The God sat up cautiously to look around after his nightmare/altered memory. He was in his bed, in his room on Jotunheim.

He pushed the furs off his body to uncover his shirtless chest, and black trousers made of a light material. Giving himself a shake, he turned and put his feet on the floor to gain his bearings before standing up, and grabbing his shoes.

Quickly, he put on the black boots and tucked his sleeping pants into the tops, before also grabbing his black fur cloak and placing it around his azure shoulders.

He walked out the door and along the stone halls until he met the corridor that opened up into a castle courtyard that sat in the middle of the building. The people that lived and worked in the castle were free to use it, but it was a more private place for the residents to be.

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