Chapter 5

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Everyone walked into the front room wondering what was going on I was still frozen by the wall. “Sabrina did you say hes your ex boyfriend” I just nodded my head. Justin got a hold of himself and looked at Nicholas “nick when you said her name was Sabrina you didn’t mention it was MY Sabrina” did he just say that.

Nicholas pulled me towards him “well Justin she isn’t yours anymore” I knew he was smiling but I was getting madder by the second “your Sabrina?” everyone looked at me when I spoke I couldn’t look at them only Justin “I am nothing to you and you have no right to even speak my name” I moved Nicholas hand from around me and stormed out the room.

I can’t believe this, how could he just show up and say I’m his after all the heartache he put me through, after I gave my heart to him and he stomped on it, after he leaves me when I needed him the most. I didn’t want to leave Nicholas without an explanation so I just went into the backyard.

It was the first time I went out there but I wasn’t paying attention to the scenery I could only hold back my tears and sit in the chair facing the pool. My heart felt like it was breaking again as my mind went through my past, the past that I tried to conceal.

I heard the glass door shut and footsteps walking up to me, I couldn’t turn to look whoever it was in the eye I knew that once they see my face that they will know how I feel. “Its pretty cool out here” Nicholas says standing behind me I look up and notice how the climate changed, the sun starting to set and the wind picked it.

“yeah it is” he walked around and sat in the chair with me “I’m sorry for what just happened I didn’t know you two knew each other” I just shrugged “its ok how would you know?” we sat there in silence “can I tell you a secret” he said so low if I wasn’t listening I wouldn’t even heard it “yeah.”

it took him a second before he said “I was in a relationship that I didn’t get over for months….the girl crystal that I was dating wanted to separate due to our long distance…she was always saying how she needed more space and I thought I was giving it to her” I could only say “more space you guys were already distant how much space do she want” he let out a sad laugh and continued.

“I later found out she was off in London with her lover” I could tell he really cared about her by the way he went silent. The thought of him hurting wasn’t seating well to me so I grabbed his chin so he could look in my direction insteady me consoling him he spoke before me “I know it’s weird for you to see Justin but I won’t let him hurt you ever again I’ll be by your side no matter what” I smiled he was like a knight, “well when you say it like tha-” I chuckled before he captured my lips.

The kiss wasn’t the usual hot and heavy ones it was more gentle more comforting but still with the same effect of leaving me breathless. We stared into each other’s eyes for a while not wanting the moment to end. Someone had to speak because when it’s silent I start exactly having the giggles and I did. Nicholas face looked confused “why are you laughing” I smiled and said “I’m not good at being silent for very long” he then smiled “lets go back inside” I started to frown a little “if you want I can kick him out” he laughed but I can tell was serious “no he’s your friend let him stay “I had to reassure him and also be brave.

Confronting my problems is the best for me at this moment; we quickly hugged and went inside. Most of his friends left to go home probably because of the awkward tension that would be happening if anyone stayed, I thought Justin was one of those people but when I saw him sitting on the coach watching a football game I quickly sighed and went to get a jelly filled donut I returned minutes later with Nicholas at my side.

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