Chapter 20

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hey guys i know late update but that was because i was stuck. antiways as you can see new book cover thanks to my best friend IMBRICATIONS!!! he is so awesome. but i am now working on chapter 21 hopefully it comes out the right way :/ so comment vote fan. ANYTHING WILL MAKE ME HAPPY lol


Sabrina pov

Samuel was doing everything he could to get my mind off of things I told him about Nicholas also talk about him going off I had to remind him that I wasn’t Nicholas. He soon calmed down though. It has been three days since I saw or even talked to Nicholas and I missed him like crazy.

He stopped calling me yesterday, I went to call him but Samuel took my phone from me saying he deserved it for what he did. I didn’t go home after the river walk instead I just stayed at Samuel’s house.

“Sabrina as much as I love you, you have to go home today your mom just called” I laughed at that Samuel was sitting on the couch looking up at me “fine but why does she wants me home” it wasn’t like mom to just want me there. Samuel seemed to get silent for awhile “Samuel?” he jumped “huh” I sighed “why does she wants me home” he looked away trying not to keep eye contact “because…um…you know just reasons” I knew he was lying but I didn’t call him out on it I just shrugged my shoulders and went to go sit beside him.

It took us a while to get to my house because Samuel wanted to stop at McDonalds. We stepped inside my house and I automatically knew something was up the house been switched around and extra cleaned “mom” I said curiously. She appeared from the living room with a smile on her face “Sabrina your home good I want you to meet someone” I eyed her not wanting to know who it was last time she brought someone home to meet me it was a guy from the super market that she decided would be perfect for me.

“I’m not feeling up to it” I turned to walk away but she grabbed my arm and pulled me close to her “look it’s a new client and I need this so get your but in there or I will take everything out of your room and put it outside on the lawn for the neighbors to take” I chuckled at her threat because I knew she wouldn’t actually do it especially if she paid for it.

She saw me not budging and went for a different tactic “please for your mother that has loved you dearly” I rolled me eyes at her sad face and smiled. She saw that as a yes and pushed me towards the living room. Expecting some ordinary person to just be sitting on our couch was too much to ask for. If anything I wouldn’t expect Leila THEE Leila. Now I know why am I freaking out well wouldn’t you if the most gorgeous most famous singer in the world was sitting right in front of you. I looked at my mom smiling face and back at the women “hello you must be Sabrina” oh my god she knew my name oh course she did my mom probably told her.

I nodded my head not trusting my voice “im Leila, Nicholas mom” STOP what did she just say. I took in my surrounding and finally saw a girl sitting on the other side of her she looked my age. Her features looked more like her mom but I saw a hint of Nicholas in her. Great why didn’t I think something was up sooner? My mind didn’t even think straight I should’ve known from her last name and him having money. “This is my daughter Micah” I daughter looked up and smiled “hey” I said to her.

My mom and Samuel sat down on the other couch but I just stood there. They chit chatted and only thing I could do was stare. Until the room got quiet and I saw everyone was looking at me “huh” I said dumbly Nicholas mom had chuckled “so you are dating my son” well technically I am even though we got into a fight “yeah” I smiled she seemed to light up “he told me so much about you I’m surprised we haven’t met sooner if I didn’t make a surprise visit and found out your address from his friend then I don’t think I would” I smiled at that he actually told his mom about me.

Doesn’t that mean he care, I mean he wouldn’t even mentioned me to her if he didn’t feel something for me right. I sighed I really missed him a lot now. “well I wish he would’ve told me about you and Micah” Micah looked up when I mentioned her name she seemed to smile “yeah my brother can be a bit of a dummy sometimes” me and her laughed at that I could tell we are going to get along just fine. My mother gave me a stern look but I just dismissed it.

“Micah, Samuel, let’s go into the kitchen” both of them got up but Samuel shook his head “actually I got to get going” I frowned at that he always leaving me in these situations “why” I questioned him. He smiled “because my house is a mess and I plan to have company later” another girl I wonder what type this time “fine but call me” he gave me a hug and left. “It’s just you and me now” Micah said. We both chuckled at that and headed into the kitchen.

Pulling out chairs Micah looked at me “so I heard you’ve met Kathy” just hearing that tramp name makes me mad “judging by your reaction I would say she made your list of whoop ass to” I laughed “of course but I already whooped hers” her eyes bulged out when I said that “you have got to tell me everything” yep going to be real good friends. I told her everything that went down and every reaction I got from her had me even laughing at it. “Oh god I wish I was there that tramp gets on my nerves so badly” I nodded in agreement.

It got quiet until Micah spoke again “you know it’s not his fault, he hates Kathy really and only was using her when they were sort of dating but the only reason he was with her because she was the daughter of one of my dad’s clients, dad tries to set him up with as many girls as he can for business. Disgusting I know but Nicholas recently stopped dating everyone and I figured it was because of you” I smiled I was thankful that she was telling me this I shouldn’t blame Nicholas I should blame his dad for setting him up.

“Well I am not letting that slut prance around my man” she smiled “more like crawl like a dog in heat” we both laughed. “Sabrina, Micah comes here for a second” I heard my mom say. We both got up from the table in headed toward the living room where our moms were hugging. “Sabrina it was nice to meet you and I’m glad Nicholas chose you instead of that nasty girl Kathy” I was shocked “does everyone know about her” Nicholas mom and sister laughed “of course we do” I smiled and went to hug his mom I really liked her and I could see where he get some of his traits from “it was nice meeting you to” everyone started to head toward the door “we have to hang out” Micah whispered to me “come over tomorrow we can hang” she smiled and nodded her head.

“Thanks for coming” my mom said I could tell his mom and mine got along “I will see you next week we have to get there early” Nicholas mom said. Did they already have plans? I can see them sitting around talking about being future in laws. Me and Micah exchanged numbers and they headed out the door. I was so exhausted from doing nothing I know very lazy but I needed rest. I went up to my room and laid down I checked my phone because I thought I saw a few messages.

‘Hey Sabrina I know your mad but I miss you at least talk to me’ it was from Nicholas before I even thought about it I responded

‘I miss you too’ it didn’t take long for him to reply

‘I messed up didn’t I?’

‘Yeah’ it was no sense in lying

‘Let me make it up to you’ there were a lot of thoughts running through mind whether or not I should

‘Ok’ five minutes later he texted back

‘I’m on my way to get you be there in ten’ I was happy but nervous we haven’t talked since what happened so I felt like things would be awkward.

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