Chapter 13

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sorry guys i know its suppose to be posted well it is now so no complaining anyway comment vote fan and oh yeah i added samuel pov in it so this should be fun...


I didn’t check the time but I could tell it was already around noon from it starting to darken in my room. Nicholas knocked on my door a couple of times but I didn’t answer what’s the point I basically laid everything out on the table and didn’t mention him not once but then again I couldn’t because I didn’t even know if being in a relationship with him right now is a good thing, I mean he is already lying to me with technically he didn’t even tell me yet which I think he isn’t. I screamed in my pillow there was too much going on. I never wanted to leave the room unfortunately I had to pee.

I got up the best I can my legs were cramped up though so I was a bit shaky walking past my mirror was horrifying my eyes was blood shot red my hair was nappy and clumped up my clothes had tear stains on them and was crinkled I looked like I did when all this first happen years ago. I didn’t bother fixing myself though I just went to the door and opened it.

Something caused me to look down and I found Nicholas sitting on the floor by my door I thought he would have left by now I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone so when he started to notice I was right there I walked away. It didn’t take him long to get up and follow me down the hall “Sabrina talk to me” ugh not now Nicholas “about what” I answered I had a feeling that this isn’t going to end well “about what happened” I stopped and turned toward him “there’s nothing to talk about” he seemed to be getting mad “we suppose to talk about everything” well I’m glad he thinks that, my hand went on my hip “but you haven’t been telling me anything” this caused him to look at me like I had a second head “what are you talking about” he said confused.

Yea fake dumb that’s the way to go….. not I only said one word “Kathy” when that word escaped my lips he automatically said “I was going to tell you” I didn’t even care no more “yea when next week, next month I highly doubt it I had to find out from jasmine really I knew you were a player but I thought maybe since you wanted to be with me you would at least try to be a little faithful and trustworthy” I must’ve hit a nerve because he stepped closer toward me

“I have been faithful since I been with you I haven’t slept with anyone and practically never party I have been trustworthy because I wanted to tell you today but Justin popped up and Kathy was just a friends with benefits type I ended that the same day we hooked up do not try to accuse me of things without asking me first Sabrina”

that took some weight off my shoulders but it still hurted to know he was with her I was too tired for this “just go” I turned towards the bathroom again but a hand grabbed me “are you kidding me” he sounded hurt but I wasn’t in the mood to care about my actions “she is gone from your house so you can go home its nothing to do here anyway and I’m sure to have things to do and people to see so just go” I pulled my arm from his grasp and went into the bathroom.

Samuel POV

When I got the call immediately dropped my mom off at home. Sabrina was hysterical I couldn’t even practically understand what she was saying if I didn’t calm her down I would have probably still been on the phone with her.

‘Sup Sabrina’

‘Nicholasjustleftandjustinohgodidontwhattodoeveryonehatesme’ I didn’t catch any of that but I automatically grew concerned

‘Sabrina slow down tell me what’s wrong’


‘Again Sabrina slow down’ I heard her sigh in the phone

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