Chapter 16

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 short chapter but its ok right? well comment vote fan anything really let me know what you think


I thought the night with Nicholas would go smoothly but it didn’t exactly go that way. When I was cleaning up the room Nicholas was nowhere in sight I figured he was doing the kitchen but when I went in the kitchen he wasn’t there.

I soon began searching for him and ended up finding him in the room stretched out across the bed with his hands covering his face. I sat in a chair that was at his desk and looked at him it was silent for a moment until he spoke “did you have fun” he sounded not really there if you know what I mean “yea” no one got stabbed with a fork so that’s good I guess.

It seemed he was thinking of something because he lifted up and looked at me “do you want to talk about it” I knew what he was talking about and honestly I didn’t it felt private somehow “no” he looked away from me like he was trying to hide something.

But he was too late I saw the hurt expression on his face and knowing that I caused it pained me. “Ok” he said it like it was final and it didn’t sit well with me. He got up and walked out the room I didn’t know what to do go after him or just wait for his return so I just settled on laying down in his bed. Something told me not to go after him that he needed space and I didn’t want to push it. I slowly started to fall asleep.



I didn’t know what to do when I walked back into the room after leaving out with everyone I saw that Sabrina and Justin was acting different both seemed distracted. Sabrina when she saw I was looking at her seemed to not been able to keep eye contact.

Something happened and that had me in suspense. It shocked everyone when Justin asked Sabrina to walk him out I knew something was up then even when we saw them talking at the door. She not once looked my way and I didn’t like it. I had to clear my mind but it wasn’t working and when she came in the room with me and I asked her did she want to talk about it she knew what I was talking about I could see it in the way she tensed up.

She said no I didn’t want to push her on the subject but didn’t we say no secrets why the sudden wall up. So now I’m sitting in the back yard overlooking the flowers in the dark. I don’t know what’s happening to me anymore. I think back when I told Sabrina I loved her I didn’t know where that even came from but it was true.

Sabrina is so special to me but I’m not the only one who feels that way I can tell Justin still cares from her I can see the way he looks at her I want to whoop his ass for it but he’s my bro. hell I even know her friend that Samuel guy loves her. I shake my head I feel like I might lose her like she is going to slip out of my reach one day and I’m no punk but it scares me.

‘My Sabrina’ I smile at that she’s everything I ever wanted. I walk back in the house and checked the time I have been out there for two hours it didn’t seem like it I walked up the stairs towards the bed room and opened the door. Sabrina was on the bed sleep hugging the pillow. This girl makes my heart flutter; this girl makes me want to be a better person. I walk to the other side of the bed and get under the covers sensing her awake I wrap my arms around her and pull her towards me. She sighs like she has been holding her breath forever which makes me smile.

“I love you” I say to her. “I love you too” she replies I lay my head on top of hers and kiss into her hair. The last thing I think before I fall asleep is ‘I will be, do whatever it takes to keep her’

 I woke up the next morning and stretched I was careful not to wake Sabrina I didn’t want her up it was only seven o clock. I grabbed my phone to check if I had any miss calls. I ended up having five new text messages I skim through them.

‘Hey babe wanna chill’

Ugh Kathy really needs a life

‘Hey dude where you been’

Johnny again with his partying

‘Hey stranger’

Alexia really I haven’t talked to her in a month

‘What’s up with Justin’

Max wanting to know what something I don’t know as usual

‘I’m coming over’

What the fuck Kathy better not bring her scrawny ass over here.

I text her back saying

‘You come over here it will be the last thing you ever do’

I was tired of playing games with her I could barely stand talking to her, when is she going to get it through her thick little head that I don’t want her. I laugh at that “what so funny” I silently cursed myself for waking Sabrina up. “Nothing” I should tell her about how Kathy was texting me. Maybe later though, “Are you hungry” I asked her she seemed to be thinking it over after a minute she nodded her head. I pulled the covers back and got out of bed.

I heard chuckles behind me so I looked back “what?” her laughter got louder “cookie monster really?” I immediately knew what she was talking about I looked down at my boxers and shrugged “he’s cool” she smiled “I agree” I gave her one of my flirty smirks and left the room.

The kitchen was clean thank god I shouldn’t have left Sabrina to clean up by herself that was wrong of me. I hit myself upside the head I was messing up. I put some food together for Sabrina and even added a flower, god I am so whipped I laughed to myself and walked up the stairs.

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