Chapter 7

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Sorry guys for taking so long i know bad person :( but my dog ate my paper you gotta believe me lol so heres chapter 7 and i promise i would update more if theres more comments and votes:)


"I have been looking at the beef jerky in your teeth for the longest and it’s disgusting” my automatic instinct was to hit him upside the head “you idiot” he was laughing so hard tears start to stream down his face.

“you should’ve seen your face but no really you really do” I slide my tongue across my teeth and cleaned the mess up. He went through all that for what just to critisize me that over obnoxious, insuffient, malicious, but over whelming cute, bastard.

He stood up and smiled “come on admit it” I scorned him “admit what?” he grinned more “that it was funny” yeah me hyperventilating was funny...NOT. “go screw yourself” I spat back at him, he put on a puppy dog face I saw that expression so many times I should be immune to it but I’m not so ofcorse I gave in “whatever” he laughed once more and took out the ice cream I snatched mine before he could lick the wrapper and beganed to open it.

“So what’s been going on lately” I murmured in between licking my ice cream. “nothing much moms been bugging me about moving back in with her so she can pay less rent” I chuckle and get pushed for doing it “hey it’s not funny I’m not going to go live in her house with them brats” I know he hated when he was living with his mom, there was always kids everywhere and nothing to eat so he decided to move out at sixteen so he wouldn’t have to deal with it.

“Come on your mom misses you” it’s true he hasn’t really seen his mom in the four years he left but that’s only because the big argument they got into. Don’t get me wrong his mom can be awesome but at times she is too demanding and stuck up for someone with eight kids and one job. “Well I’ll be sure to send her a text saying hi” he sneered.

I didn’t want to push him that much on the subject so I just switched to a different one “antiways how’s your player days treating ya” the smirk on his face told me it was good “fine thank you very much” I didn’t partically like the girls that be chasing after him but that’s only because I want him all to myself.

“be careful or your wiener going to fall off” he was shocked by my response but bellowed out a laugh “god Sabrina I don’t just put my man hood in anything” I snorted at that. I know he doesn’t but he has a known reputation for getting what he wants, my best friend a man whore gosh but he was so hot

‘Gosh Sabrina stop it’

‘I’m trying but you got to admit he’s hot’

‘Yea but he’s right next to you’

‘Crap didn’t think that through’


‘Hey conscience’


‘Shut up’

I didn’t even notice Samuel getting up to talk to some girl until I heard the squeaky giggles.

I looked over and thought of an idea. I got up from the bench and walked over to the two “hey baby” I purred in his ear he looked shocked so I smiled “whose your friend” the girl said with distaste.

I didn’t even spare her a glance I know if Samuel was talking to her she was probably trampy, he went to reply but I cutted him off before he beganed “his baby mama” he caught on and gave me a devilish smile I tried to hold back my laugh while the girl stood there.

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