Chapter 24

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hey fans yeaa this chapter is really interesting and im telling you now before you read im sorry but it had to happen


“I didn’t think you would actually agree to hanging out” Justin said as he was driving. I kept moving around in my seat not because I was uncomfortable but because Bruno Mars was blasting out of his speakers.

I was so in love with the sound I Was Your Man I seemed like it was perfect for when my mind was clouded and I felt a guy did me wrong. “Yeah well me neither but I figured what the heck” A smile creeped on to his face and I felt like we was in the past his smile always made me smile back it was really hard not to. “So where are you we going” I asked so he wouldn’t see me staring at him.

“I figured we get something to eat…well that’s if you haven’t eaten already” I shook my head I didn’t eat much and the growling that’s emitting from my stomach was proof enough “eating is fine as long as you’re paying” I chuckled causing him to do that same. “Of course I’m the perfect gentleman am I not?” I rolled my eyes he only is when he wants to be “sure” I laughed. During the whole drive I had to make sure he kept his eyes on the road I knew he had a bad habit of doing that and needed to be reminded often.

I should know from experience I really don’t see how he is still driving by himself. “If I have to tell you one more time to keep your eyes on the road I slap you like a pimp slap a hoe” this caused him to swerve and laugh his heart out. I was actually serious but I admit it was kind of funny when I actually realized what I have said. My comment made us arrive late when ended up at Southern Fires the best place ever; I didn’t know he even remembered how much I loved it there. We waited a good ten minutes before we got seated neither of us of course needed the menu because I saw it to many times before “I will just go for the chicken and waffles” I said to the caramel skin waiter that was eyeing Justin like a piece of meat.

He seemed to pay no mind to her “I’ll have what’s she’s having” he seemed polite and it made the girl blush as she walked away. “what made you text me” I started up the conversation to be honest I didn’t like the way Justin was staring at me it was the same stare he would give me when we were together and I squirmed in my chair because of it. “I figured since we are friends then it would be a good idea” when he said the word friends I could of sworn I heard distaste in his voice but that was just me probably over reacting.

“Oh…so what’s been up with you lately” our food have arrived and I beganed to stuff my face I know so unlady like. It seemed like he was thinking of an answer “well nothing much since I’ve been back I have been visiting old friends you know catching up on the things I missed” I nodded my head understanding before Justin left he had a lot of friends he was that type of person that got along with everyone I suppose that would be normal.

I never did get how I ended up with him when I’m the silent one and he’s the more outgoing person. I quickly mentally slapped myself for even thinking about when we was an item “cool have you seen your mom” I still kept in touch with his mom hey I figured just because me and him didn’t work out doesn’t mean I had to stop talking to her. His mom was one of those laid back grownups I could talk to her about anything, when Justin left me she was there telling me how we should hunt him down and make him pay of course I had to keep reminding her that was her son but she just laughed it off “yeah I’ve seen her she’s still the same” I laughed at that “oh I know” this caused him to make a confused face expression “you still talk to her” he asked.

This caused me to snort “of course I do you left me not her besides she is one of my friends...oh god that sound so sad...well I don’t care she is so cool why would I stop talking to her” this seemed to make him smile “yeah she is cool” I nodded in agreement while finishing my food off. Our conversations during dinner I suppose were enjoyable I can say the least we didn’t bring up the past except when we were making jokes.

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