Chapter 19

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ok this should make up for chapter 18 comment vote fan i think im starting to get somewhere...


Just another day that’s all im asking for one more day, one more to hug them, to laugh with them, to cry with them, to say goodbye. If you would just give me one more day, heck I will be happy with an hour if a day is to much.

I was sitting on my back porch on the sofa swing looking at my mom flower garden. I have been out here since I’ve woke up this morning. I didn’t feel up to anything and my mom knew I wanted alone time. I think she sensed me remembering them that’s why she gave me a small sad smile when I walked past her. I couldn’t be scrunched up in the house so I figured outside would be better.

Letting the wind play in my hair I pulled on my high school sweater that laid beside me. I didn’t exactly feel like crap but I didn’t feel like myself. Back when everything first happened I was out here except crying. I laughed to myself a lot of crying, but it was peaceful and I could always relax think about the positive.

I left my phone in my room it just kept ringing mostly nicholas and jasmine, Samuel called a few times but I dint answer none of them what am I suppose to say to them.hey nicholas sorry I can not talk about you and that tramp right now im in the middle of feeling sorry for myself. Wats up jasmine no I haven’t left the house because I started thinking of my little sister and dad and said forget everything. Hey Samuel no I cant go anywhere im having a melt down and prefer to not have people thinking im crazy if I break down over a piece of tin foil on the ground. Its just better if I say nothing to them.

Samuel pov

I sat In my room holding my phone in my hand Sabrina voicemail answered again. I was starting to get worried she usually answered and if not sent a text to me. I wonder if anything happened to her. I got off my bed and got dress I wasn’t just going to sit here and think of scenarios when I can just go check up on her. I grabbed my black leather jacket from off my bed post and left to get into my car.

While driving I called her phone one more time, no answer. I tossed my phone in the passenger seat and focused on getting to her house as fast as I could. Sabrinas mom answered the door when I got there “is Sabrina here” her mom held a sad face expression on her “yeah she is in the backyard” that wasn’t good Sabrina only goes there when she started to think of her sister and dad. “are you ok Samantha” she nodded her head I knew how she felt from when me and her would have discussions about Sabrina ofcourse Sabrina didn’t know about them “ok try to go out it might cheer you up im going to talk to Sabrina” I hugged her and jumped off the porch and headed to the backyard.

Sabrina was there alright sitting on the sofa swing looking like she was holding herself together, she was staring at her mothers garden I remember when her mom and little sister made one just like it at their old house me and Sabrina got into a water fight because I “accidently” sprayed her with the water hose. “hey there” I think she finally noticed I was there looking at her but she only looked at me and looked away.

That bad dang I stepped on the back porch and sat next to her I wasn’t going to say anything in this situation you can talk all you want but Sabrina wouldn’t hear any of it I could tell by how she looked she was completely in her mind. I sat back and looked around the backyard the pink swing set still sat at the far corner of the fence while there was a pathway that led to a bench over looking the garden. The bench was from their old house her dad built it for her mom to sit and admire her flowers.

The swing set was Sabrina and her little sisters favorite spot to go after they argued. They didn’t want to pack it up like the rest of the stuff so I helped her set it up when they moved. She never go to it just look at it with a lungful expression. “why couldn’t they still be here” she surprised me when she talked I looked at her but she still was looking straight a head it didn’t even look like she said anything “I don’t know Sabrina” I didn’t have anything to tell her it was many time she’s asked me that and each time I said the same thing I could tell she blamed herself and nothing anyone would say changed her mind. “some times things are unfair to us and we hate the out comes but you have to remember that no matter how long or short they was here it might’ve not been enough but at least you have a piece of them with you.

As long as you keep them in your heart and remember them then they are never truly gone” we sat there in silence for a while “I thought if only they would’ve stayed home they would be here right now” I felt sad no one would truly know how someone feels until they experienced it they selves “you couldn’t do nothing about it Sabrina” she finally looked at me “I know but I still think about that what ifs” I pulled her into a hug and she laid her head on my shoulder I could tell she wanted to cry but was trying to hold it in.

I brushed her hair with my hand “its ok Sabrina everything happens for a reason” I could hear her start to cry but I just held her tighter. This Sabrina only I would see, the fragile Sabrina, I continued to comfort her until her cries died down and I heard her breathing become even. I waited until I knew she was asleep and picked her up bridal style and went inside the house. I passed her mom and aunt who just smiled at us and went upstairs to Sabrina room. Laying her in her bed I kissed her forehead and went to leave the room “don’t go” Sabrina whispered I turned to look at her staring at me. I gave her a small smile and went to lay beside her, she laid her head on my chest and went back to sleep I just laid there running my fingers through her hair “never” I whispered and closed my eyes.

I woke up to Sabrina looking at me from across the room she was sitting in her chair just looking and frankly she was creeping me out “sabrina why are you starring at me like your going to kill me” this made her laugh. I sat up to watch her smile at least I know the old Sabrina was gone, “lets go to the river walk I feel like being around water” usually she wait another day to go anywhere but I guess she didn’t want to sit here “ok but you have to change you are not looking like that in public” she put on a playful shocked expression causing me to laugh “what I have on is better than your entire wardrobe” I shook my head as we both laughed.

She got up and went to her closet then bathroom. After a while she came out and twirled around like a model “better” she smiled I just laughed “it will do” she hit me on the shoulder and I faked hurt which caused her to laugh. Going downstairs her mom and aunt was sitting at the table “mom I’ll be back” this caused her mom to smile and look at me with knowing eyes. “ok call me if you stay out late” Sabrina nodded her head and hugged her mom and aunt before heading out the door. I said my farewells and walked behind her.

The drive was mostly silent except the music was playing. Before we went to the river walk we went to subway because I figured she hasn’t eaten all day. “so how did you know something was wrong” we was sitting on one of the river walk benches “you didn’t answer your phone” she shook her head “ofcourse” I chuckled at her. “thank you” she whispered I smiled “anytime Sabrina you know I am here for you” we smiled at each other. I will always be by Sabrina side no matter what even if she move far away I would find a way to her.  

   We only sat there for a moment before we started walking. I started telling lame jokes that was so bad that it was hard not to laugh.

i cut this chapter short i know how rude of me but you will see why later:)

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