Chapter 3

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One minute I’m dreaming of winning a date with LL Cool J, and the next I’m being blinded by a bright light. I hurry up in put the cover over my head and yell “mom come on ten more minutes” when she didn’t reply I picked my pillow up and tossed by the window.

Someone other than my mom laughed I know because my mom doesn’t have a sexy laugh if she did it would be majorly weird. I quickly jumped up and turn towards the window, in my mind it’s a robber so I scream at the top of my lungs and dash out my bed to the opposite side of the room. I throw everything in sight my lamp, my journal, even mr.stanley my teddy bear, I start to reach for my jewelry box until a familiar voice stops me.

“Sabrina it’s me, Nicholas” I turn my head in the direction of the robber to find just Nicholas by my window freaked out. “Nicholas?” I ask, he sigh in relief “yea” in steady me asking if he’s ok I say “what the freak is your problem?” he laughs “I wanted to see you so I came over and asked for you, your mom said you was up here sleep so I thought I wake you but I see now to never do that again.” I quickly sat down on my bed and looked up at him “I could’ve killed you” he just laughed and said “yea that teddy bear was really lethal” I smiled.

I can’t believe I freaked out like that, very classy Sabrina. I run my fingers through my hair and let out a dramatic sigh, “so I have a surprise for you” he was so jolly in the morning “what is it” I ask. He took his arm from behind his back to show a coffee in his hand. I laugh “thanks” when I go to reach for it he pulls back and says “first I want a hug” I smile. As I get off my bed to go near him he has a smirk on his face, then suddenly I realized something I’m still in my pajamas. Now my pajamas is some girl boy shirts and a half top that says “who wants some” across it.

I quickly look down and was getting ready to turn away to grab something to cover up with when Nicholas quickly pulls me into an embrace. I can feel his muscles relaxing against me as he lay his head on the top of my head, I didn’t want the hug to end, every fiber of my being was shouting at me to hold on tighter, I hear Nicholas say “I missed you” interrupting my thoughts. Gosh this guy not the typical hot shot that’s afraid to admit how they feel.

My hands start to think on their on and stretch around his neck pulling his head down to my eye level I whisper “oh really” he smiles and whisper “really” I didn’t expect anything to happen I mean of course this guy is now mine how could I not want him, he’s everything I wanted in a guy and I only knew him for one day but the chemistry was obviously there. “Well then-” I was cut off by his lips coming in contact with mine.

The feel of his lips was luscious, soft and gentle. My mind ran through scenarios of us as he pulled me closer deepening our kiss I felt his tongue dance to my bottom lip requesting entrance which I all to willingly permitted. Our tongues moved together in harmony as I tasted a hint of strawberry and winter fresh gum.

I melted into him but he pulled away to my discontent, we looked at each other breathless, both breathing heavy and hearts beating fast when he whispered “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you” I beam up at him and reply “I’m guessing I can’t get rid of you now huh?” he shook his head “no so get dress we going to my house” oh snap.

That’s when I remember what I was wearing I screamed in ran in the bathroom. A few seconds later I heard a soft knock on the door “yes” I answered I heard a chuckle behind the door “I’ll be downstairs your mother wants to talk to me” oh god I forgot my mother “ok” I said. I turned the shower on as I heard my room door close.

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