Chapter 8

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Hey guys heres chapter 8 i know took me long enough i think its boring but who knows i will be sure to do better on the next chapter. Also im currently reading this story on here by Imbrication you guys should check it out "Verboten Temptations" yes its a boyxboy but its an awesome one. so be sure to comment and vote fan if you must!!!


Samuel pulling me closer wasn’t exactly what I imagined he would do, let go my hand yes but pulling me closer gave me butterflies. He never held me this tightly before instead of being friendly it was more possessive. I couldn’t move away from him, my feet was glued to the floor what was going on with me.

“Maggy I leave you alone for five minutes and you already kidnap Sabrina” Damon and Nicholas was standing right in front of me and although I heard what Damon said my eyes stayed focus on Nicholas. “I asked Sabrina and her friend Samuel to hang with us” Maggy said excited. That got Nicholas attention and finally looked at Samuel “well lets all go sit down” Nicholas gave me one last glance before he turned and head in the direction toward the couches.

I felt a small pain in my heart when he didn’t even say hi or anything to me. Why my relationship with him already over? My steps out of Samuel’s arms shocked me and it must’ve shocked him to because he looked tensed by my reaction.

“I can’t believe you got us into this” I hissed at Samuel while we walked in back of Maggy and Damon. “I thought you like them” he whispered,

“I do but now everything is awkward you did this on purpose didn’t you?” he chuckled as he nodded his head. That low down corky brat, I snatched my hand from his and elbowed him in the stomach. Samuel’s grunt got every ones attention but he only waved it off.

Finally we made it to the black comforting chairs instead you know how it seems like it took years just to get to a certain destination and when your finally there you take this long dramatic sigh? Well that’s exactly what I did and I got stares for doing it. Everyone took their seats except me I would have sat down if there was somewhere to sit.

“Sabrina you can sit with me” of course Samuel would offer me to sit with him that jerk. As I made my way to Samuel I was pulled in a different direction and to my surprise ended up on Nicholas lap. My heart beat was beating so loudly I bet everyone around me heard it but I wasn’t caring at the moment my eyes were focused on Nicholas gaze.

Talk about melting someone from the inside, “I think Sabrina found a seat already” Nicholas said to Samuel not once looking away from me. My eyes flickered to his lips, his sweet plump lips were like a magnetic pull my thoughts went back to our hot make out session and I could tell I was blushing. “God Sabrina no need to make things obvious” Samuel snorted.

I stopped looking at Nicholas lips and looked toward Samuel who was glaring at me what did I do “what?” I asked confused. “Nothing so Nicholas right? How long have you’ve known my angel?” aww Samuel called me his angel I know it’s not a big deal but Samuel only says things like this when he is trying to be protective “a week” I could see where Nicholas was trying to figure out Samuels angle. He looked towards me in a shocked expression

“I left you alone for a week and you already go out and get a boyfriend are you kidding me Sabrina you suppose to get to know a person first” I could tell everyone was feeling uneasy about this conversation and I don’t know why Samuel would scold me like that “that’s my business” Samuels reply was exactly what I didn’t want “your business is my business” oh great “and who are you” Nicholas asked.

“I’m Sabrina’s best friend” Samuel said nochantly oh god whatever you do don’t let this become a terrible day. I know how Samuel can be stubborn but this was out of character for him “well Sabrina best friend I’m sure she can decide who she wants to be with without your two cents” Nicholas replied calmly big mistake “actually Sabrina-” I quickly cut off Samuel from embarrassing me “so Maggy what’s been up”

Maggy looked lost but responded “nothing much me and Damon was talking about going on this trip when we get back home” I laughed at that “aren’t you on a trip now” “not really this more of a visit then trip” they must be from a wealthy family or something figures. My phone vibrated from my pocket I had to lean into Nicholas to get it out but when I was about to lean forward he decided to hold me in that spot. Talk about heaven was an understatement his muscles flexing while holding my sides made me want to kiss him.

I quickly snapped out my thought and looked at the text on my phone

Samuel: I don’t like him. Was he serious he barely got to know him

Me: can you give him a chance please

Samuel: no

Me: for me please I really like him

Samuel: fine but if he hurt you I will see personally to his ass kicking

Me: fine whatever thank youJ

Samuel: you welcome Sabrina ;)

I put my phone away and looked towards a smiling Samuel gosh his smile was so contagious if I wasn’t in Nicholas arms right now I would be day dreaming of Samuel smile all day.

Yea I know that’s unfair but I still have feelings for Samuel that I don’t know if I can get rid of that quick. I felt Nicholas sigh in back of me which made me lean into him more the dreaming state I was in couldn’t be interrupted not even by a zombie outbreak. “So Sabrina are you going with us to Chicago next weekend” if I didn’t know Maggy that much her excited demeanor would have made me feel like that was an insult.

I went to reply “no” well I was going to say no until Nicholas responded “of course she is” I looked at him in bewilderment no way do I have money to go to Chicago do I look like I’m filthy rich. Yes, my family has money but not a lot of money to where we can just spend it whenever we want.

The shiver down my spine caused by Nicholas breath by my ear caused me to stop freaking out “don’t worry about it I just want you to enjoy yourself” I looked over to Samuel who seemed to be in his own little world that nerd knew he was listening.

“Well good because all the girls going shopping and we need another critic so we won’t buy nothing stupid which I always do” Maggy exclaimed. I could only smile again this day needs to fly. My thigh started to vibrate,

Nicholas pulled his phone out of his phone and answered it “hello” he seemed so calm until he started shouting

“NO I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY STUFF!” I shifted uncomfortably wondering who was on the other side of the phone causing him to get angry.

Nicholas sighed heavily “I’m on my way” he ended his call and looked up towards everyone staring at him “we have to go” Maggy and Damon gave him a knowing look as I got up from his lap and went in the chair that was vacant.

“Oh ok just call me later” I said, they went to leave until Nicholas turned around, walked back towards me a planted a gentle kiss upon my lips.

Talk about cheesy I know but my mind wanted him to stay “call you later” he smirked. I just nodded my head and stared at him as he left.

“Well look at you” Samuel laughed. I snorted and leaned into the back of the chair.

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