Chapter 2

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   It started to get chilly as we were walking and my outfit wasn’t the type to withstand the cold for very long so you would understand why my teeth was chattering and my goose bumps were fully showing I think Nicholas noticed because he walks closer to me and slides his arms around my waist.

Now this would’ve made me so repulsed by him because again a girl like her space but it wasn’t that simple it’s like I wanted him to be closer heck I wanted him to be a lot closer then what we are now.

I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were headed until we stopped in front of a car I should warn you ever since I was a little girl my favorite car has been the one and only camaro, no matter where I was I could spot a camaro a mile away. So as I noticed him getting the keys out my mind slowly realized what was going on and I admit I scared the crap out of him when I screamed “OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A CAMARO OH MY FREAKING GOD!!” I hugged the car like it was my lost lover finally coming back to me and yea it was creepy but come on its my dream car.

“Umm this is weird” he chuckles. I quickly let go the car and blush “I’m sorry I’m obsessed with camaro’s” he opens the door for me “I got that after the scream and after you hugged my car” I laughed so hard that it made even him laugh. As I got in the car my mind actually started to clear “so where are we going you know I don’t regularly get in the car with a stranger well I never get in the car with a stranger” he smirked.

“I’m not a stranger” is he a stalker oh my gosh I got in a car with a stalker what’s been up with me “so what are you” please don’t say stalker “someone who met a beautiful girl and decided to show her how much I like her already” my eyes bulge out, he likes me how freaking awesome is that “sooo your not a stalker” I snickered I just got to make sure “what no” he laughed.

“good because I can’t explain to my mom the reason I got into a stalker car was because he was cute and to top it off he had my dream car” I looked over and he was smiling “so you think I’m cute” I chuckled “maybe” we both sat there grinning like two kids who just found out about some secret. “so where are we going exactly” he sat up in his seat and started the car “you will see” my phone vibrates as we leave the parking spot “oh crap my cousin” I get out my phone and text her to not wait up and stick my phone in my purse “all done” I nod.

The whole drive we talk about our like in dislikes it was funny because when he told me he was scared of ants I died laughing. “Are you serious” “yes they can crawl into your ear and live in your brain” he was smiling but I knew he was serious “so what creature you afraid of” I think long in hard “snakes” he lets out a boastful laugh.

Jerk. I pout as he makes fun of me “they can eat you whole, how can you not be scared of them?” he chuckles “I actually have 2 of them at home” I’m so shocked that my mouth dropped into an unattractive position. “your kidding right” he shakes his head “no” I scream causing him to swerve “how can you have them in your house?” he shrugs “I had them since I was 11” I thought out loudly “so how old are you” he looks over at me “19” I grimaced “you had them for 8 years oh my god I would’ve died if I even got near them” I let out an exaggerated sigh and lean back in the seat I can see him in the corner of my eye looking up and down my body but I ignore it.

“how old are you” I smile “guess” he smirks “17” I laugh “how can you guess so correctly” he shrugs “Johnny told me” I lift up “and when did you talk to Johnny about me” “when I saw you I was sitting by Johnny and I asked him and he told me” I smacked my lips “so why did you ask me” I chuckled. “Because I wanted to hear it from you of course” I relaxed back in the chair. After awhile we arrive in front of a restaurant and I glance his way but he acts innocent “what I’m hungry” this was a setup but I didn’t mind I’m going into a fancy restaurant with a hot guy.

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