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It felt like my eyes were being weighed down with brick,struggling to open them let alone move any part of my body seemed impossible. I finally managed to see through my eye lashes but the brightness caused me to shut them back.

where am i?I thought, just then the memories came crashing back to me causing my eyes to fully open and my hands to finally move. Justin? where is Justin? my mind thought, suddenly i felt someone hold my hand. Out of reflex i pulled back but regretted it when i saw Samuel was the one who did it. I finally looked around the room and saw my mom Jasmine and Johnny, and Nicholas standing there. My mom immedistely rushed over towards me and engulfed me in a hug.Her tight hold caused me to wince and her to automatically pull back. "sorry honey" my mother whimpered. "Its ok" if i didnt know i was the only one who spoke then i would have looked around for the stranger. My voice was so hoarse it sounded like a frog croaking. "I'll go get you some water" Nicholas said from the side wall he sounded distant. I saw Jasmine give him a small smile as he walked out the door."how long have i been out" i croaked. "about a week" Samuel says, my eyes widen in shock how could i have been out that long, it seems like it was only hours but from the look on they faces it confirmed it. Knowing i was ok made me relax but only a little i had to make sure Justin was ok, they did hit his side so he must be pretty jacked up. "Is Justin ok, before i blacked out he was knocked out but was badly injured" silence was the only response i got. I knew it was a bad thing but i had to get atleast someone to answer. "mom?" i looked at her "Samuel?" holding his hand. "Is Justin ok?" tears already started to form in my eyes "Sabrina....Justin? he was" Samuel paused. "He was really injured when the truck hit the car,the steel went into his side and damaged some of his organs and the blood went to his punctured lungs causing him to drown in it.....Sabrina,Justin died" by the time Samuel finished i was already crying my heart out. "Lets give her time alone" Jasmine said quietly. My heart felt like it was on fire after knives pierced it, slashing it open and carving Justin name in the process. Nothing in his last moments were good. A tear slid down my face, i said i hated him, that i didnt love him and all of it was a lie. I loved Justin since the first day we met, he always had a place in my heart even when he left me. I laid back on the hospital bed letting my hair stick to parts of my face. "Justin im so sorry" i thought to myself. I would give everything just to tell him how much he actually meant to me, to look at his smile or hear his sadistic jokes that i always thought was never funny but had me laughing anyway. I clutched my sides,they started to cause me pain so i tryed my best not to move. The IV that was in my arm started to get annoying and i wanted to leave this place, i knew that wasnt hapening for a while just by looking at me i could tell my condition was sort of bad. Suddenly i felt claustrophobic in the room. It was like the room was closing in on me and i could hardly breath. Panicing i started to rip the tubes out of my arms causing loud beeping noises to come from the machines. As fast as i could, which wasnt fast enough, i got out of bed. the fast movements caused me to become dizzy along with the fact my legs was bruised and me not using them in a week caused me to fall to the floor. The impact caused pain to surge through my entire body. I paid no attention to the physical pain only the mental. My cries got louder as the tears flowed down my face like a river stream. My vision was blurry, i could hear in the distance that the nurses was barging in. My body went cold but felt warmth prickle on my skin my only guess was someone was picking me up. "Sabrina! im here Sabrina!" i could faintly hear "get away! i have her!" it sound like someone was talking normal to me which means they was shouting. My guess it was Samuel, i could tell him its ok, that im fine, that i could take care of myself, and that everything will be alright. But im not, everything has broken, i have given up and nothing will ever be the same so i didnt speak. I barely blinked, my mind shut down and my soul weeped. A dam that held me together has been destroyed every hardships stress, every hurt or pain i ever felt, all the confusion, doubts, and troubles cam spilling out making me relive everything at once. I couldnt take it the black spots in my vision grew and finally i blacked out.


"Sab- can get- this" i was coming back into reality "no she cant Sam-" who was talking. "She got through it before! she can again!" that was Samuel but who was he talking to. "She id worst this ti-" Nicholas? Samuel cut him off "i knew her longer than you i was there when her father and sister died and she is stronger than you think so dont tell me that she wont" he seemed on the edge. Mentioning my father and sister added to my pain but i knew if he known i could hear then he would have never mentioned it. Opening my eyes was painful but barable, i stared in front of me until my vision came completely back. Samuel and Nicholas was the only ones in the room with me and neither seemed to notice i was staring at them. "You'r right you was but that dosent mean she only needs you, I am her boyfriend so stop acting like i dont have a right to be here!" Nicholas sneered. I didnt like his tone toward Samuel, but both of them were in the wrong. How dare they talk as if im a child! "YOU WAS ONLY USING HER! I BET YOU DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SABRINA!, I KNOW ALL ABOUT THE PLAYER YOU WAS AND SABRINA DESERVES BETTER!" Samuel shouted. "I LOVE SABRINA AND WAS A PLAYER WHY AM I HERE THAN IF I DIDNT CARE ABOUT HER? HUH SAMUEL? I CARE ABOUT HER MORE THAN ANYTHING, WHAT I DONT CARE FOR IS WHAT YOU THINK AS LONG AS SHE BELIEVES ME, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!" Nicholas shouted back. Their shouting caused my head yo hurt "enough" i wanted to sound strong to ut a solid voice to the word but it only came out as a whisper. Both heard me though, Samuel seemed like the first to come out his shocked gaze and came over towards me "how are you feeling" his voive sounded so sad and concerned, all traces of his anger being erased. "How could both of you be so selfish" i said hurt. Both went to speak but i put my hand up to stop them. "no instead of thinking of whats important you want to argue about simple minded matters" i paused as both of the stared at the floor. "HOW DARE YOU!" my voice cracked as i shouted. Both heads shot up to stare at me. I tried to hold in the tears but you could tell they was there "Justin is dead.....did any of you stop to understand that" i paused "Justins dead and instead of caring about my feelings or even his families you stand u there spouting bullshit excuses of whose manlier" a tear slid down my face "Sabrina" Nicholas sounded sad but i was beyond caring about him at this moment "get out" i said staring straight at him. "Sabrina" Samuel pleaded in Nicholas defence but i shot him a death glare "you too" he looked shocked "what?" he asked. "GET OUT....BOTH OF YOU" it was silent for a moment until Samuel whispered "alright" he slowly got up and with Nicholas walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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