Chapter 10: Where is my pervert boyfriend?

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The next day

Tenko's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as the sun reflecting to window. I annoyingly stand up and closes the blinds once I turn and look to the bed, I notice that Izuku wasn't there.

I got confused, why he isn't there since he's not leaving the bedroom not until I wake up but where is he?

I changed my clothes and left the room, I walk down the stairs to hear some talking at the dining. I enter the dining but was tackled down to the ground by Toga.

"Ugh, what the fuck Toga?! Stop jumping like that!" I growled, she smiles and get off of me.

I stand up and dusting myself. "Hey Tomura, where's Izuku?" Todoroki asked.

I looked him confused and said. "I thought he's down here with all of you. Where is he?"

"We'll ma'am, the last time we seen master Izuku was yesterday when he went up stairs to apologized to you, we heard screaming but we didn't know what is it because it was noisy down here. After dinner we have never seen you nor master the whole night until you have showed up right now." Kyle bowed his head after explaining.

I frowned to what he said thinking and try to remember what I have said to him. "Did you say something that hurst him so bad making him go somewhere?" Neito asks me.

I shrugged my shoulders as I try to remember what I said to him yesterday. "Where is my pervert boyfriend?" I questioned myself.

"Don't worry Tomura, I bet his fine. Izuku it's a strong man we know so he'll be fine besides he's already a grown man, he can take care of himself." Neito said trying to boost my confident.

"Yeah, sure thing." I lied, she smiles and went back to talk with the others.

I know he'll be fine but I still can't help to worry about him.

Oh, what the fuck did I said to him yesterday?

Hours passed and he still hasn't coming back yet!

I'm starting to feel worried.

What if something bad happened to him?!

What if those heroes have already captured him?!

Maybe his dead right now or worst in jail!

Oh Izuku, where are you?!

You're giving me a heart attack!!!

I'm going to die without you!


Oh, wait. I think I remember what it is.

"Tenko? Tenko, are you in there?"


"Come on, honey I'm sorry.."

"Unacceptable! I hate you! I want a breakup!"

I shred into tears as what I said to him yesterday flashbacks to my head. Because of me not controlling my temper I accidentally yelled at saying 'I hate him'. We'll I know it's his fault in the first place for such being a pervert but me saying that 'I don't like a pervert like him' was a lie.

I didn't mean to say that because of the anger I felt inside of me yesterday I spilled it out without even thinking a thing.

I love him!

I love my pervert boyfriend!

The pervert boyfriend who saved me from being kidnapped and don't rest or eating searching for me.

The pervert boyfriend who protected me all the time every time and everywhere we went.

And the pervert boyfriend who gave me the love that I never felt somebody else except for him.

I run down the stairs and to the living room.

"I know what happened to Izuku. Yesterday when he was trying to apologize to me but instead of normal accepting it, I yelled at him saying that I hate him so much for being a pervert and I demanded for a breakup. But I didn't mean to say any of those, it just happen to slip out of my mouth because of the anger I felt towards him." I explained starring at the floor while my tears run down.

"Oh don't worry, Shigaraki. I'm sure he's okay, like I said Izuku is a strong grown man, he can take care of himself. We all know you didn't mean to say that but maybe he didn't made it serious. If he came back home then say your sorry, he'll understand it." Neito said.

"I'll try calling him and ask him, where he is. Izuku told us not to leave the mansion without his permission, he run the mansion and the Musutafu city are so strictly today not to mention pros heroes are patrolling the streets day and night non-stop." Todoroki explained.

He's right.

Izuku doesn't want us to leave the mansion without his permission. He'll be mad if we break his rules. It's not like his so strict, he just want us to stay safe.

"I'll call for him." Todoroki said as he went outside.

"I felt so guilty to what I have done to him." I frowned.

"Oh don't worry crusty lips, he'll forgive you. Your just overreacting." Dabi comforts me as I sat beside her.

"He said, he's fine. He'll be home soon, he just said he needed some space to think about something." Todoroki walked in.

Space? What space? What is he thinking about?! Is he junking about really breaking up with me?! Does he doesn't love me anymore?! What have I done?! I owe him my whole life! I promised to his sisters that I'll love him, that I'll never break his heart! But broke it! I broke that promise because of my stupid jealousy ran over!

I hate myself!


"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed and last thing I knew I fainted right then and there.

Everyone in the room thinking:

"What the fuck just happened???"


I love you. [Book 2] (Izuku x Fem!Tomura)Where stories live. Discover now