Chapter 25: Mission

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Next day

Tenko's POV

Fucking morning sickness.

It hurts a lot but I have no choice to bare it.

I mean, it is my baby after all, I can't just give up on caring it. I can't imagine how our future is, but the real question am I ready for this upcoming life?

I'm not sure. I'm not ready for any of this. Oh, what's going on? Sensei, if you're here, what are you going to say to me?

Izuku's POV

My sisters cried themselves to sleep last night.

They're so heart broken.

My sisters maybe a happy and joyful kind of person but I've never seen them this devastated before.

The only thing that could make them happy is..

Ugh, but his currently in Tartarus. It's so difficult to bust him out of it, I need a huge plan for this mission.


Third person's POV

Endeavor, All Might and Best Jeanist has arrange an appointment to have a word for All For One.

They entered the visiting room seeing him their on the chair strapped on some metal chains. Once they saw him, he immediately put on a smile on his creepy face.

"Welcome heroes, good to see you again. What can I help you in this wonderful day?" He greeted.

As he sat their smirking at all of them, they felt so uncomfortable seeing him like that but they didn't show it to they.

"We are here to talk to you about your nephew. What do know more about him?" Best Jeanist started.

This makes the villain smirk widely. "Izuku Midoriya is my little brother's youngest son. Unfortunately, he died from a heart attack when Izuku is in the age of 10. He has two sisters their names are Ayame and Suzume. Those are the only thing I know about them so far, the rest will be a mystery." He answered will a calm and gentleman voice.

The heroes looks at each other and back at him. "Tell us more about him, because of that ungrateful nephew of yours innocent people has suffered. Plus, they turned Hawks to stone and boned his wings." Endeavor demanded angrily.

All Might (skeleton form) calms him down.

"We'll, they deserved it. You see none of this wouldn't happen if you just mind your own bussiness. The girls just went out of a shopping spree to buy something's they needed for the babies, both Hitoshi Shinso and your daughter Dabi are pregnant. You may not know but my nephew isn't a cruel, selfish person, he loves his friends and family and if he said that he'll do everything to protect his treasures he'll do it, whether this involves killing or not." He continued.

The three got nervous of what he said. Especially All Might, he couldn't believe that he'll do this to them. He thought him everything he wants to know, he supported him, he gave him he need but, what went wrong that led him betraying the whole hero society?

"Who are those "treasures" of him you mentioned?" Best Jeanist asked curiously.

"Let me introduce them all to you. First, he has his right-hand man, Kyle. Second, the maid twins, Hadley and Hailey. Third, is the garden twins, Axe and Ace. Then his other workers and lastly Kenneth Vanvalor his well-known chef. He has the most similar quirk as Tomura but used in a different way and a deadly of them all. So that's it all the workers I know from him so far." He explained.

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