Chapter 22: Arrival of the sister

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Hazel hospital

Tenko's POV

I made my way to the rooftop searching for my boyfriend and their I see him on the floor crying heavily.

Seeing him like that makes me wanna murder Hawks for what his done. I never saw Izuku cried this hard before it makes want to hugged him, cuddle with him and most importantly kiss him. Yes, I'm his girlfriend! I have to be at his side whatever it cost.

I take a deep breath and was about to walk to him when a slut walk up to him.

"Hi, are you alone?" She ask him.

I can see by his expression that he's annoyed from the slut. Izuku said to leave him alone but the girl tries to cuddle up with him. Izuku moves her away and walked at one of the chair and sat down but how much Izuku pushes her, she will always stick to him begging him to have sex with her.

Oh, how dare you? No one is allowed to touch his dick except for me!

I watched them behind the bushes a bit when Izuku had enough of the sluts complains and pushes her away but she used quirk to stick his hands and himself to the chair.

"Hey, what did you do? Let go of me, you slut!" Izuku screamed but the slut shushes him.

"Hush now love. We don't want people to catch our attention while having sex. So come on, play with me, baby boy." She stated rubbing his shoulders and slowly undressing herself.

I admit, she's beautiful but she's a slut! This where you're going to die, bitch! No one dares to take my man from me!

I quietly rushes over the bitch and pulled her by the scalp as hard as I could and yeeted her to the ground.

She was groaning in pain holding her head. I walk up to her and kicked her in the face with my heels breaking her nose as her face bled. "How dare you!" She screamed attacking me but she too weak to fight me so I kicked her in the face again.

I stepped on her neck as she begin to choke and pulled her hair so she came face to face with me. "Please, I beg of you. S-spare me." She begged crying so much.

I loosen the heel on her throat and sat on top of her chest. "Quiet now, dead sluts doesn't talk." I quoted placing my hand on her face and disintegrating her.

He is mine and only mine!

This is the second girl I killed this day. I have to calm myself down.

Walk back to Izuku and hugged him pouting with tears. I can feel his arms snaking around my body as he warmed up my body from the cold air. "Thanks for saving me back there, love. without you, I couldn't have been rape by now." He whined kissing my head, as I jut sat there blushing letting him cuddle me up.

"You are a badass, has an abnormally strong, creepy quirk and had a dark aura that can scare everyone starring at it but you can't handle a single slut." I joked sitting on his lap as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He chuckled and give me a peck on the lips. "I'm sorry to what happened to Luka, hon." I started making a little circle in his chest with my finger.

I heard him sigh thinking he might hit me to what I said but instead he kissed me. I can feel his tears running down his face. As I wiped the tears off and deepen into the kiss wrapping my arm around his neck, fighting for dominance and warming ourselves with our body.

It was a memorable day. No one can ever forget what happened this day.

A week later

Tenko's POV

"Hey idiot, quiet down! You're waking Luna up!" Shinso yelled quietly at my boyfriend who was walking around the living room, up and down.

"Sorry, sorry, okay. I'm just so nervous! My sisters are arriving sooner and I don't know what to do! ! It has been 5 years since the last time I saw them! And if they see me like this, I'm dead!" He complained trying to fix his tie.

Kyle and Nash was ordered to fetch the sisters. Not to mention but I'm also afraid to meeting his sisters.

I mean, his okay to be nervous but did he thought about me being afraid that her sisters might reject me and insult me.

While he was arguing with Neito and Hitoshi, I left without them noticing and went to my room.

Izuku's POV

I was breathing heavily when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see Aizawa sensei with the other teachers.

"Oh, good morning sensei's! Did you had breakfast already?" I asked and they nodded.

"Great, oh I want to apologized at my behavior this pass few days. I'm so sorry. I couldn't control myself, I was just so hurt to what happened to my best friend." I apologized the best friend is I'm referring is Luka.

Sensei smiled and tap my shoulder. "We understand why you did that Midoriya and we deserved all of that. We didn't really wanted to come with them, we just came because I want to see my daughter if it she's okay or not." He explained sipping his coffee.

"Ever since the chase happened, we all planned on seeing you just for one day because we missed you so much. We missed the student who always defended us for Bakugou's shouting. The student who's not complaining about if he was getting bullied. The student that we love the most than other students and you're that student, Izuku. We're so glad that we met you." Midnight sensei confesses hugging me.

I smiled and hugged her back. I couldn't imagine where I am right now without them. Their like my other family. Their more than a hero to me, their a good parent.

"Say if it's okay to you that, we could leave the house more often? We're getting so bored in here, we'll only be at the backyard that's all." Midnight sensei asked smiling at me nervously.

I don't want to say 'yes' because maybe the heroes might see them, though they've been locked up like prisoner for a week in this mansion and I have no rights to lock them up here, they still deserve freedom whatever happens.

I sigh happily and nodded. They all gleamed up and started thanking me. I happily cried and hugged them, thanking for being the best teachers I have.

Hitoshi handed Luna to Kurogiri as joined our group hug, same goes to Shouto and Neito. We all thanked them for being our best teachers ever.

Our moment was suddenly broken when the door burst open along with two high pitched voice singing my name.


Ah, shit.



I love you. [Book 2] (Izuku x Fem!Tomura)Where stories live. Discover now