Chapter 3: A talk with the sisters

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Police Force

Third person's POV

The police force has been busy lately, searching for some data about the students, hunting the villains base and asking random people some more informations.

All Might enters the room walking towards his friend Tsukauchi. "All Might we found some informations about Izuku Midoriya. It says here that he has a family on LA. His parents died on a plane crash, his grandparents, aunt and sisters lives in LA. Perhaps let's contact his family to let them know about what Midoriya had done here so they could talk to him to retreat himself and the villains." He explains.

All Might thought about for a sec then agrees, Tamakawa handed Naosama of all the contacts of Izuku's family. Tsukauchi typed the numbers and dialed it.

After waiting for a minute someone picks it up.

"Hello, this is the Midoriya residence, may I help you?" A gentleman answers.

"Um yes, we are the police force from Japan and we would like to speak to the sisters of Izuku Midoriya about some informations about their brother."

"Very well, give me a minute. Madams someone from the Police Force in Japan wanted to speak to you." Said the gentleman.

"Hello, who is this? And what do you want?" A lady's voice spoke.

"Good day madame. I am Naosama Tsukauchi and standing beside me is the symbol of piece himself, we wanted to tell you about your younger brother, Izuku Midoriya. He had done some crimes here, he has joined a group that made counted crimes over the few years. We were thinking if you talked to him maybe you can convince him to surrender himself with the other villains with him." Tsukachi started.

"Our brother done some crimes and joined a mischievous group who wants to kill all heroes to show society that their filthy heroes are only a bunch of trash, that he had fallen in love to the most sexiest and beautiful but yet dangerous villain of all time...?!!" The twin girls freaked out.

"Exactly!" Yelled Katsuki.

"What's the problem with that?" The twins calmly questioned.

"What?!" All Might was in shock.

"I mean is that Tenko Shimura a.k.a Tomura Shigaraki will be our future sister-in-law. Sooo why would we convince our lil' brother to do what you say?" Asked the older twin on the phone.

"What are you even talking about?! You're just saying some nonsense shit!" Katsuki snatched the phone from All Might.

"Who do you even think you are, KATSUKI BAKUGO?!!" The twins yelled.

"What do you mean who am I?! I am the new symbol of piece, goddamit!" Katsuki yells.

"Young Bakugou, please calm down." All Might pleaded.

"New symbol of piece? Please, the perfect name for you is the symbol of idiotic!" The girls teased him.

"Why you little brats!"

"Please, just talk to your brother to surrender himself with the rest of the villains, young Midoriya is not allowed to fall in love with a villain." All Might pleased by snatching the phone away from Katsuki.

"We told you, why would we do that? Seriously, what kind of rules says a hero can't fall in love with a villain? That's ridiculous! No wonder why villains calling you 'trash' because you are! You don't believe in love, you believe in anything! All you wanted to do is to become famous! How come all of you HEROES got that title if you don't even know the first thing about love?!" Ayame yells.

Everyone in the Police Force are silenced. "See, you don't know! Maybe you could learn what 'love' really means, maybe you can understand why our brother betrays you! Love is not just getting having a single or multiple sex by someone, love is different and difficult to find! You can't make people love someone they don't love, because if you kept doing that, they might turn their backs on you, and you will loose at the end. Love is not easy to find, love is a strange magic that you can't help to feel. So you have not words to say that Izuku can't love a villain, because they are no rules like that except to your stupid book of rules. We can't conceives Izuku who to love, because it's his life, his choice, his path, not ours. Goodbye" the twins ended, hanging up.

A moment of silence came upon the room. Suddenly, the phone rings again. "One more thing, we heard that you fucking closed our brother's shops, so you should fucking bring it back and open it your you'll regret everything! And don't try to feel threatened because you don't know who you hating at, you should be thankful than hated!"

Silence took over them again. "We just got yelled by two sluts, and you're just letting that happen! Are you fucking kidding me?!" Katsuki demanded.

"We can't argue with them too far, Mr. Bakugo. Our reputation might be ruined. I remembered what they said, the Midoriyas' is one of the family who helped us to build UA High years ago and Mr. Hikaru Midoriya is the one who operated SirNightEye when he's in critical condition. So we should be grateful from their help. And I'm not saying this to team up on them, I'm saying this because their right. Who are we to decided who Izuku Midoriya will fall in love with?" Tsukauchi explains.

All Might growls with a angry frown plastered on his face. "I'm need to talk to All For One."


Third Person's POV

"Suzume, sister calm down." Ayame begged chasing her sister.

"Ugh, I can't believe those heroes are pain the ass! Who are they to close our shops like that, not that our shops is our brothers! If only uncle just didn't got caught everything will be fine, but it isn't!" Suzume banged on the coffee table.

"Patience, dear. I bet your brother is fine out there. He can handle himself." Mrs. Grace said with a calm voice while sipping some tea.

"Sorry grandma, it's just that those heroes are heartless! They don't even know the first thing about love and lastly, that Katsuki Balugo is such a jerk! I think he doesn't deserve that name symbol of piece! None of them!" Suzume irritatedly sighs.

"Charles, get the twins some tea." The aunt ordered as the man behind her obeyed.

"I hope our brother and his lover are fine."


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