Chapter 15: Getting back together

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Later that evening

Dabi's POV

I was sitting at my bed getting some fresh air. My back is aching from all what happened lately.

I'm feeling so tired and I can't focus of what I'm doing!

My back is aching, my head is spinning, my belly's hurt and I'm hungry!

I don't want to go down stairs. My legs are numb and my heart is breaking into pieces.

I let out a sigh of stress.

I knew dating my own brother will be a huge mistake, maybe the old man was right, I'm not-

"Thinking too much, it might harm the baby."

I turned to who talk, there I see Shouto at the doorway holding a tray full of foods.

"Oh it's fine, thinking won't kill me and what are you doing here?" I asked feeling grumpy.

"Oh sorry to disturb you, I thought you're hungry so I brought you some food but, I see you're not so I'll be on my way then." My eyes widen I manage to stopped him before he leaves the fucking room.

"Wait, I'm hungry."


After I finished eating my rice balls, Shouto handed me a glass of water for me to drink it. "Sorry about how I acted awhile ago, my mood just changes that time causes of all the pain." I explained looking down at the floor.

While playing with my finger, I felt his hand rubbed my hands and a gentle kiss planted on my forehead. "I understand your condition. I'm sorry to cause you some ruckus. And I didn't mean to say those things to you too. I never really hated you and I didn't mean to say those hurtful things about you. I hope you and our baby forgive me." He begged starring deep into my eyes as I stare right back at his.

I smiled. "Just give me some more rice balls then I'll forgive you."

He chuckled and smirked. "How about my balls instead."

My eyes shot open and smack him on the head. "Shouto, eww." I laughed and he joined as we'll.

After he fed me twenty rice balls, I lay next to him and hd gently rub my baby bump. "I see mama is full, so does the baby." Shouto joke, he adjust himself and bury his face between my big melon.

"Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight too, idiot." I smiled and slowly fallen asleep.

The next morning

Izuku's POV

"ARGH!" I sprung up because of the noise from the alarm clock.

"Izuku, turn it off." Tenko moaned as she started waving her hand in front of me, I'm so much getting bad anxiety right now. Not only that, I haven't turning the alarm off is because of her quirk.

If she touches me, I'm an ash. My whole handsomeness will be a goner

"I said turn of the fucking alarm clock, goddamit!" She snapped.

I picked up the alarm clock and throw it across the room. "Better?" I happily questioned her.

"Much better." She smiles and goes back to sleep.

I smiles back kisses her forehead and stare outside as I held her close to me. What will be our future? As a villain now, am I able to protect all of them from the pros? Will they listen to me and give me another chance to change? What if Kacchan and All Might ruin it? Will I still be able to see my friends again?

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